I bet these guys are glad Obama is history -This troubled, covert agency is responsible for trucking nuclear bombs .


I swear either Obama was insanely dumb or he wanted to make America a 3rd world country. We all know Obama hated this country and what it stands for.

I swear either Obama was insanely dumb or he wanted to make America a 3rd world country. We all know Obama hated this country and what it stands for. Originally Posted by canuckeight
He used the money for muzzie outreach programs, " Solyndra's " , " shovel-ready-jobs programs, importing more unscreened " refugees " from muzzie countries, " welfare for wetbacks " programs and to buy more rainbow flags for the swishy-walkers like assup, stan-the-stupid, fistingchappedass,wtf, manassmuncher and "seArgent" shitburner . Doesn't take long to add ANOTHER 10 TRILLION dollars of debt to the taxpayers with all of those socialist programs !
Hey wait a minute ..... I'm confused ..... StandinInShit says it us Trump-loving Texan white boy racists who are pushing for socialism .....
The 0zombie King wanted to destroy the middle class, redistribute wealth and start WWIII... Just like the fat dyke from Arkansas. The anti-liberal religion of globalism is sick! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKICpwLbcCg&feature

This episode is taken off political analyst's Valeriy Piakin's channel - his explanation of recent events confirms what many have suspected. In the past few months, an unusual amount of individuals in pro-Russian fields of work have passed away. Starting with Arsen Pavlov (Motorola), a Commander in the Donbass region, followed by Russian Ambassadors to Turkey and India; Mikhail Tolstyh (Givi) - another high ranking Commander in the Donbass, and now - Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin. Piakin's explanation posits that all of these individuals were victims of US intelligence operations - but why?

The intention is to remove all individuals who have something to do with the Minsk agreement, so that it can no longer realistically be implemented. The Minsk Agreement (a ceasefire, followed by elections and self-determination in Eastern Ukraine) is counterproductive to the West. To allow Minsk to happen would be to undo all of elites' hard work to date. This is why ''not fulfilling Minsk obligations" is always pinned on Russia in Western media - despite the fact it is not party to the document, and it is the Kiev junta who shells civilians of Eastern Ukraine.

If Piakin is correct, then everyone who defends Minsk - whether on the battlefield or through the information war - have reason to be concerned for their safety. People like Zakharchenko of the Donbass, and those below him, as well as Russia's extended diplomatic community should be highly vigilant and ramp up their security against espionage.

I swear either Obama was insanely dumb or he wanted to make America a 3rd world country. We all know Obama hated this country and what it stands for. Originally Posted by canuckeight

Have you ever sat at a Rail Road Crossing as a long train ambled by.
I tell people to write down what they see as the cargo on many of the tank cars, and look them up. You will never feel comfortable sitting by a RR Track again.

All along the Coast and the Inland Waterways, boats are pushing thousands of barges filled with, for lack of a better word, "Deathylene". One blowing could cause a catastrophic event.

Yes, it is scary knowing that this whole Nuclear Transportation problem is indeed a problem. But at least knowing there is a problem is the first step in correcting it.