Providers and Hobbyists: A Question

I was away for a few days attending a funeral but I'm back and as addicted to Eccie as I am, couldn't resist posting when I first got up today LOL and did my laundry.

My question to both hobbyiest and provider is this:

Do any of your immediate or extended family or friends know what you do, either as a working girl, or as a hobbyist? Do you feel comfortable enough with some people in your life to share what you do or for the most part, keep it a secret? Why or why not? Do you feel that society or other family and friends will judge you for your choice of profession or hobby, or do you just feel that quite simply, it's no one else's business but yours?

I'm curious to hear the answers.
Still Looking's Avatar
Its hard to hide being a man whore!
My sister knows. And she has passwords to all my stuff so if I ever go missing she can find out who I went to meet.

She doesn't like it though. She worries a lot.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
The only family member that knows is also a hobbiest. No one else. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by "spilling the beans."

I'm curious what the cover story is for the provider's income? Not going to a job everyday and always having cash has got to raise eyebrows.
NO......why go to the trouble of being discreet and then tell someone......two people can keep a secret If one of them is deceased.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
A few of the guys at work know. One guy finally caved in and asked me to set him up because his wife was frigid. You would have thought he hit the lottery. He took me out for steak dinner. In real life I am very outgoing, and by all the texts I get most people suspect I have something going on. They just don't know what. Most of the people around me have that screwy Bible Belt mentality, and I don't buy into their shit and they know it.
My mom- whom I live with- knows what I do and she thinks quote.

"You are only using what god gave you just like any job with physical labor, you don't cheat, steal, or cause me any headaches. As long as you stay in school and keep out of real trouble, more power too you"

We don't talk about my job at the dinner table or anything but she does like me too keep in touch when I travel just to know that I am safe. My mom's opinion is the only one that I care about other family members know but they can lick my finely toned ass if they have a problem with how I make money.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
My mom- whom I live with- knows what I do and she thinks quote.

"You are only using what god gave you just like any job with physical labor, you don't cheat, steal, or cause me any headaches. As long as you stay in school and keep out of real trouble, more power too you"

We don't talk about my job at the dinner table or anything but she does like me too keep in touch when I travel just to know that I am safe. My mom's opinion is the only one that I care about other family members know but they can lick my finely toned ass if they have a problem with how I make money. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
I know a few girls who told me their parents know.
No one knows. If anyone found out, it would cost me everything. So, I keep it a secret.

It's not like I'm a provider that has a lot of extra cash. I have the opposite problem...trying to hide the expenditures.

I get judged at home for not taking out the trash or failing to mow the lawn, why would this be any different, except on a greater, more radical scale?

[@AA--been wondering where you disappeared to. I know it's trite, but I'll say it anyway, "Sorry for your loss."]
elgato111's Avatar
As a hobbyist I have tried to keep my activities UTR. Only a few close trusted friends know about my hobby. Been doing this for so long I can't remember the first time I met a provider.

Currently only seeing my ATF girl now for close to three years. She and I have talked about this subject a lot. She keeps everything well hidden from family and friends alike. She values her privacy as do I.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-08-2012, 12:04 PM
My family knows I hobby, we don't talk about it but they know. Of coarse being single helps as well.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
No one knows. If anyone found out, it would cost me everything. So, I keep it a secret.

It's not like I'm a provider that has a lot of extra cash. I have the opposite problem...trying to hide the expenditures.

I get judged at home for not taking out the trash or failing to mow the lawn, why would this be any different, except on a greater, more radical scale?

[@AA--been wondering where you disappeared to. I know it's trite, but I'll say it anyway, "Sorry for your loss."] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The guy I spoke about earlier was able to see a couple of girls while his wife was out of town and now he is going crazy. She is a very intelligent woman and she noticed the change in him and became suspicious, and now she watches him like a hawk. Poor guy is dying because she has returned to her frigid ways after warming up for a while. I am no longer married so I don't have to play hide and seek.
Only one person knows and she makes me tell her where I'm going, the phone number, hotel room, etc.