hobby genie grants you 3 wishes

so you find the proverbial magic lamp and out pops the magic hobby genie.

he grants you 3 wishes. each of your wishes will consist of a 4 hour incall with a provider of your choice. here the premises you must work under.

1] must be a provider you have never seen but always wanted to.

2] time, money, location are not issues. this is of course fantasy. assume the date will occur at your time frame , there is no charge [thats what hobby genies are for].

3] providers will be as advertized and as reviewed [ ie a provider will not suddenly provide greek or cim if she has not done so, a 180 lb provider will not come to you as 115 lbs].

4] each of 3 wishes will be different girls 1 at a time no duos trios. 1 on 1 with 3 girls of your dreams.

5] list your 3 choices with showcase / website links with the reason you would choose this woman. do so in no particular order. not choice a.b,c or 1,2,3 just list them and tell why.

6]look at other guys responses check out the girls showcases and see if in your mind if any of them would fit in to your top 3.

7]girls can play too. choose 3 clients based on their board postings , persona who you would select for a otc sexual 4 hour tryst. no compensation from you or to you all other rules are the same. feel free to say you would not redeem any or all of the wishes..

i will start and no oe will be surprised by any of my choices

sonya playmate san antonio this girl just does it for me. her body , her posts her pm's her attitude. this is a girl you dream about fucking day and night. her link http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=2768

shayla calgary canada simply the best combination of face and body i have ever seen on a woman anywhere.. not just in the hobby but anywhere. if you told me she was on the cover of playboy, maxim, newsweek or the wall street journal any would make sense. i also love her sassy persona and her understanding of what she does who she is and she revels in it.... her showcase http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=63158

dallas rain new orleans a little more mature than most of my bucket list girls and perhaps not quite as petite as i generally fawn over but this is a woman i just have to be inside of once in my life. she exudes fun , good times and bringing a man pleasure. o could envision watching a ballgame with her and banging her during the action, at halftime and after the game. i could sit and have beers with her and enjoy but still just know i gotta fuck her. she is the friend with tits and a pussy and after you ravished her you wanna share her with your friends because you love your friends and they deserve to enjoy life too. her showcase http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=3067

so if the genie ever arrives theres my 3 choices now guys and girls what are your 3 choices
Cpalmson's Avatar
Shayla-- http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=63158 She just has that look-- innocent girl next door, but you know she's a tigress in bed. If I could only get to the Great White North

Nikki Haven-- http://nikkihaven.weebly.com/portfolio.html She's not on ECCIE (that I know of). There is just something about red-heads with long flowing locks of hair. Doesn't hurt that she is knock-out gorgeous. I've exchanged e-mail with her but could not make schedule work. She is well reviewed elsewhere. Next time I'm in Ohio, I have to make time to see her.

Tatinana (Tat)-- http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=2913 There's just something primal about wanting to be with a porn star. Like most of my wishes, I've tried but to no avail as my schedule can never work out when Tat is in my area.
DallasRain's Avatar
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Petitte I am truely flattered! Thanks babe...and one day I ould be so excited to play naughty with you!!!

My list.......................the re are many more I would "so do"!{lol}

Chelsea Simms........nuff said!

Ms Athena............MY HOBBY SISTER TwIN!

Kinky Little Nikki..........my idol!
Thank you petite and Cpalmson! I'm very flattered! You guys give me too much credit.
the incredible looks which for the most part a woman has or does not have it is your down to earth and humble style guys find attractive. you are often self deprecating in an honest hey listen this is what i am and i am ok with it kinda way. if most of us guys look ourselves in the mirror we realize we are guys that buy sex for money and to find a nice woman with beautiful looks that says hey i am a girl that sells sex for money that is kinda refreshing. anyways enough about you and my bucket list girls how about some other guys and girls share their thoughtsabout ladies that just do it for them and why.
Thank you petite and Cpalmson! I'm very flattered! You guys give me too much credit. Originally Posted by Shayla
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thank you petite and Cpalmson! I'm very flattered! You guys give me too much credit. Originally Posted by Shayla
Not really, I think they are exactly correct.
Thank you petite and Cpalmson! I'm very flattered! You guys give me too much credit. Originally Posted by Shayla

They're just being totally honest...and the credit is yours, beautiful lady!
Cpalmson's Avatar
You are more than welcome. Please take the credit. You are a genuine person. You don't see a lot of that anymore-- in or out of the hobby. I'm sure that if you weren't a provider, you would be the best in whatever endeavor you were undertaking. You have a good head on your shoulders and looks to die for. A lot of gals in that position would be pompous and self-centered. You on the other hand approach it with an "awe shucks" attitude that would make anyone respect you.

Thank you petite and Cpalmson! I'm very flattered! You guys give me too much credit. Originally Posted by Shayla
  • Laz
  • 01-12-2012, 04:02 PM
Shayla - Big surprise right. Beautiful of course and not full of bs about how great she is. A person that I would enjoy getting to know.

London Rayne - Seems to be a unique experience. Something about her personality intrigues me.

Pepper Springfield - Beautiful and a terrific attitude. Time spent with her is fun.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Shayla, are you getting a big head yet. I would love to be in that line, but don't think I will ever make it, it is a long way to Calgary, but we can still talk hockey.
DallasRain's Avatar
Shayla I would "so do you"! you are HOT!
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 01-12-2012, 06:28 PM
midnite312004's Avatar

Jasmine Fox


Reasons for these three women because they all offer a GFE experience, are spinners, and they all had me saying "Oh Shit" when I saw there showcases.

And a host of Honorable mentions. Genie would need to give at least 100 more wishes so I can include the ladies up above this post.
Cpalmson's Avatar
For those who mentioned Dallas and London, besides being two fantastic cities to visit , they are also one of a kind providers. I've spent time with both and without hesitation vouch for their services as not to be missed.
Some of those who would naturally go on this list I have already seen so they are exempt from being chosen.

Becky--http://www.beckystouch.com/Welcome.html. I like her board persona, and she's like the grass that is greener on the other side of the fence. Out of my price range.

Carrie Hillcrest--http://carriehillcrest.com/. When she posts, I like her posts. Otherwise, like Becky, she is the green on the other side of the fence. Out of my price range.

AlluringAva--http://www.alluringava.com/. A relative newcomer to this board, but in that short time, I have come to respect her posts. I think I'm attracted in equal parts to her mind and her body. Unlike Becky and Carrie, she doesn't seem to have a minimum date time, but if she did, she would be in the same price range as the other two, and out of my league.

Of course this fantasy is all well and good since it will never happen. Besides, very few would agree to spend 4 hours with me. lol