How long does it take to get a review approved?

I posted this review 4 days ago.

Yet the review is still showing that it is "pending moderation".

I notice that I can get Premium Access by:
Premium Access can be obtained by choosing one of our affordable payment options, or by actively contributing to site content with reviews. Each approved review posted will earn 6 weeks of Premium Access credit. This credit will continue to accumulate for as long as the member continues to post reviews. When requesting credit for a review submission, please include the URL link to your review(s). Inquiries may be sent to your local mod team.
I believe I have given sufficient details, contact info, and ROS comments and I would expect 4 days to be sufficient for a review approval.

I am looking forward to Premium Access and reading Rest Of Story comments.

Thomas Quinn
I would contact a moderator of the board for your particular area. I've had reviews approved within 20 minutes, other times a couple of days. It depends on how busy your mod is in real life.

Just noticed you're in the SW like me. Send Chica Chaser a PM. You may have gotten lost in the shuffle or like I just said, he may be swamped in the real world.
Still Looking's Avatar
I posted this review 4 days ago.

Yet the review is still showing that it is "pending moderation".

I notice that I can get Premium Access by:

I believe I have given sufficient details, contact info, and ROS comments and I would expect 4 days to be sufficient for a review approval.

I am looking forward to Premium Access and reading Rest Of Story comments.

Thomas Quinn Originally Posted by Thomas Quinn
I read your review. Pretty damn good for a first review! Whats funny is the MOD posted on your review! I bet he get you squared away soon! Remember mods hobby as well. If there is a new provider needing to get verified they could be tied up for days! LOL Did someone say free samples! LOL
pyramider's Avatar
It takes a week . . . Oh wait this isn't TER.
Still Looking's Avatar
Account disabled? I guess my hang in there post didn't help! LOL
pyramider's Avatar
You just have that way about you.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Thomas Quinn

welcome to eccie LOL
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-28-2012, 01:27 PM
Hello TQ.


Goodbye TQ.

Best buck eighty he ever spent.

(Young Guns)
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Sorry for the delay, some take longer than others. LOL! Its approved.

Thread closed