The Art Gallery

First let me say, I'm trying to start new threads in this forum to bury the ISO and SD/SB threads that I feel don't belong here. So, help me out and start a new thread of your own if you have any D&T appropriate ideas.

For this one, I thought we could share the work of some artist we like. I found these cold glass sculptures and just love them. They start at $6500 and go up, up, up from there. So they are currently out of my budget, but maybe one of our collectors of beautiful things will find something they like.

The artist is Jack Storms and his website is

Check out his beautiful work.

Who are some of your favorite artist? Do you prefer sculptures, paintings, or something else. Share and image or a link to their website.
Thank you for this post. Those glass sculptures are wonderful.

I enjoy paintings and architecture the most.

My favorite painting is Dali's "Vision of Hell" I was a young girl when I saw it in person and it was the first piece that moved me.

Favorite building would be La Sagrada Familia designed by Gaudi.

These sculptures are so interesting Jessica! This thread is reminding me that I need to find a day soon to head over to the MET in NYC. I have not had a chance to putter around and get lost in ancient art in a long time and while your thread refers to modern art I think my soul longs to be amidst ancient art and just escape from my daily grind for a bit
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I have been a big fan of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. I have always felt the best architects are the ones who can incorporate their designs into its surroundings, or with nature. His Falling Water House is a classic. Or if a building can stand out so well that it's design becomes an integral part of of the city it represents that's its image becomes synonymous with the area. When we say, the 'Empire State', it can mean either the building or the state of New York, or 'Astrodome' for Houston, the Space Needle.
Personally, I like artwork that is both useful and functional.