This Ebola Mess

Curious if GFE providers and hobbyists have slowed down due to the whole "don't share bodily fluids or you may end up shitting blood". Even though I know for a fact I'm much more likely to get the flu from a provider than Ebola, I've been putting off getting my DFK/BBBJ fix until this blows over.

Am I the only one?
Jake B's Avatar
Not I or the providers I see!
Tickle's Avatar
Curious if GFE providers and hobbyists have slowed down due to the whole "don't share bodily fluids or you may end up shitting blood". Even though I know for a fact I'm much more likely to get the flu from a provider than Ebola, I've been putting off getting my DFK/BBBJ fix until this blows over.

Am I the only one? Originally Posted by luv2wank
Goverment fucking up? Quick! Deploy archaic 3rd world problem into America, get those pesky cameras off of us and ISIS.
I think everyone should play at the level they are comfortable playing. This is meant to be a relaxing and enjoyable hobby. There are ways to still do that and protect yourself but if you are stressing about it in session then maybe time off is best.

I don't think you are the only one. I have changed my menu items temporarily to reflect my own comfort levels at the moment (colds, flu and all).

Your body. Your decision.

Good luck
I missed the changes to the menu...?
People love to fear monger. Good gods. People don't seem to worry about the flu or herpes too much, why should Ebola make a diff? You're much, much, much more likely to catch a cold.
Duke of G's Avatar
Most ill-informed, fear mongered topic of the year.

And for the op to think that kissing is your highest risk...*facepalm* Back to Fox News you go for more "knowledge."

I'm pretty sure we brought Ebola here to stop ISIS/ISIL when they cross the border from Mexico. That will stop them!
Most ill-informed, fear mongered topic of the year.

And for the op to think that kissing is your highest risk...*facepalm* Back to Fox News you go for more "knowledge."

I'm pretty sure we brought Ebola here to stop ISIS/ISIL when they cross the border from Mexico. That will stop them! Originally Posted by Duke of G
Kinda like Arlington PD handing out SOB tickets just for having an ad on BP being "lunacy"?

No one is fear mongering. The guy asked a simple, inoffensive question regarding hobby habits.There have been a few surprises so its not fear mongering to simply discuss it. Parents especially are concerned over the entero-68 and flu this year as well as the possibility of Ebola not being as contained as it seems. Perhaps you can't relate, but that doesn't mean you should publicly admonish those who do want to discuss it.

You stick up for guys looking for girls who appear to be prepubescent (because its their "preference") but you bash members who want to discuss their health concerns by calling them fear mongers. I thought it was against by he rules to bash others over their preference.
Duke of G's Avatar
thanks for your input thatignorantnurse. you're always such a great contributing member here who tries to have a little tin foil hat theories come through in her post every single time!
thanks for your input thatignorantnurse. you're always such a great contributing member here who tries to have a little tin foil hat theories come through in her post every single time! Originally Posted by Duke of G
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Duke of G's Avatar
Sorry – was mobile in responding and my autocorrect just sucks.

Anyone who thinks that ebola is somehow more dangerous to the hobby community than to the community at large is ill-informed. Intimate contact of a type necessary to transmission for an infected person occurs far more in the general population (by numerical count) than it does in the small fraction of that population that engages in the hobby.

Of course this assumes that someone in an infected population is somehow in contact with the world at large, which is the focus of not just local, but national resources at the moment. The idea that ebola is creeping around your back porch is so patently ignorant that my first choice was sarcasm. Perhaps it shouldn’t be. Clearly that level is above many members.

So the conversation on ebola and the hobby is a tenuous link at best, and is more typical of the mass hysteria and fear mongering led by advertising-selling media outlets and whore-board experts that love to see “debate” here on ECCIE.

Oh, and THN: as for attempt to bring other items to this thread because of your dislike of me is a classic example of red herrings and ad hominem fallacies. You don’t like me because I’m not one of your sycophantic toadies, so you try to sound “smart” here. I don’t need to defend the previous issues, because they have already been dealt with, nor do I feel any need to drag the 3 metric tons of hobby garbage that you bring everywhere you go into this, either.

So RTM away, lady. Being a moderator here doesn’t remove my ability to have an opinion, nor laugh aloud at the foolishness of others. I know you are incapable of separating the two, though.

Oh, and I admit I was wrong in the SOB ticketing issue. I misunderstood what the tickets were for. (Licensing, not prostitution). I know that admitting error is also something you are incapable of, so maybe a demonstration helps.
Have to say I'm surprised Duke, always thought you were one of, if not the classiest Mods here. I'm a fan of THN and she, like everyone, rubs everyone in a different way - we don't all get along or like each other. But do have to say I'm not only disappointed in a Mod saying those things, but especially you. May be a back story here but hope your day improves.
blinkq45's Avatar
Hey all, let's get back on topic!! I do think it's a topic worthy of discussion. I don't really care who does/doesn't like each other.
Hey all, let's get back on topic!! I do think it's a topic worthy of discussion. I don't really care who does/doesn't like each other. Originally Posted by blinkq45
Good point - it's not like this is the only Ebola thread going.

On topic - I am still allowing BBBJ for select ladies.