Did anything ever come of that Key swapping party plan?

I have put Eccie on the far back burner lately so have been out of the loop for a few months. Wondering if that provider/hobbyist key swap gathering everyone was gung-ho about ever materialized. If so then how did it go?
In the event I log off for the remainder of the year I want to wish everyone a happy and hopefully profitable Holiday season.
Guest092815's Avatar
Well, I am not involved, but I do not believe it has happened yet. I think it is still in the planning stages. I think knotty man or someone will chime in soon and fill you in...
knotty man's Avatar
unfortunately the party never did materialize.with all the inquiries it became a logistics nightmare. between the venue, screening and price structure it became too much. may try again on a much smaller scale later on down the road. as for now i have a different and somewhat quirky idea a brewwin'. right now just getting feedback BCD to see if its something worth bringing to the forum. hope to post it soon
You may have to do it in smaller numbers, do group A one week or month later and then group B next, idk just idea that I am sure already was thought of.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I was hoping it would happen before I got too rotund, but alas... *sigh* Now everyone knows why I was kinda pushy about making it happen. *sheepish grin*