Breaking the Law !!!!!!! Unreal !!!!!!

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Senile Biden's Border Patrol opens a gate on private property in Eagle Pass to allow illegal migrants in, after the Texas National Guard had closed and locked it.

Breaking the law !!!

You're a sucker for the headline. BREAKING! WATCH NOW! OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS!! kind of things are written with the intent to cause an emotional response, so that you better remember the 'facts' and share it.

Searching for the headline, and some variations of it, I can't find anything that isn't on an extremist propaganda site
none of the videos showed WHY the national guard let them through the gate, just because like everything, context matters. It is likely that the temperatures were dangerously high and there was a decent chance that those immigrants would had died?
They also never said what they did after they went through the gate. They likely were arrested and deported a few hours later. But because your emotional faux news doesn't give CONTEXT (why? what happened after), you aren't able to make an educated guess.
Picture didnt come through first time
berryberry's Avatar
Try to pay attention instead of making more libtard excuses

These ILLEGALS had just illegally crossed the border.

The TEXAS National Guard had locked the gate and properly did not let these criminals into our country

Senile Biden's Border Patrol came by and unlocked the gate - thereby breaking the law and aiding and abetting illegal aliens to invade our country

Had zero to do with it being "hot" out.
And no they were not sent back. All the Border Patrol had to do to send them back is not open the gate.

But you as usual make excuses for this corrupt Senile Biden administration

That is breaking the law.
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Meanwhile - in Arizona: Happening now — Roughly 200 migrants from all over including Russia, Belarus & Iran crossed into Yuma.

The Yuma sector has had 259,895 encounters since Oct. 1st which is more than the population of Scottsdale.
The federal government can overrule the state and local government's decisions.

You failed to provide a reason WHY they opened the gate, only that they did.
You failed to provide any information on what happened AFTER they opened the gate, only that they did.
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden's Border Patrol aided and abetted illegals breaking the law to invade our country. Doesn't get any clearer than that
Immigrants are far from 'invaders'... unless you believe everyone who is not part of your demographic and background to be aliens.

We should all go back to Europe then, because we (the royal We, meaning the general population of the colonies in the 17th and 18th century) are all invaders from Europe who committed genocide nearly on the scale as Nazi Germany to the native americans.

Families coming to America for a better life is basically the foundation of this country through the 20th century. Illegal or not, why do you want to turn people away to struggle to live a good life back where they came from?

They are entering illegally, yes, but it is not impossible for them to obtain their green card and then later citizenship. There is no need to be so xenophobic and saying THE BROWN MEXICANS ARE INVADING TO STEAL OUR JOBS AND HOMES! because that isn't true.
berryberry's Avatar
People who ILLEGALLY enter the country are invaders. Period

Most Americans know and understand this, why don't you?

NPR/Ipsos Poll: To what extent do you believe the following are true?

The U.S. is experiencing an invasion at the southern border?

TRUE: 54%
FALSE: 19%

And the only one being Xenophobic is you talking about "BROWN MEXICANS " Why are you such a racist?
Immigrants are far from 'invaders'... unless you believe everyone who is not part of your demographic and background to be aliens.

We should all go back to Europe then, because we (the royal We, meaning the general population of the colonies in the 17th and 18th century) are all invaders from Europe who committed genocide nearly on the scale as Nazi Germany to the native americans.

Families coming to America for a better life is basically the foundation of this country through the 20th century. Illegal or not, why do you want to turn people away to struggle to live a good life back where they came from?

They are entering illegally, yes, but it is not impossible for them to obtain their green card and then later citizenship. There is no need to be so xenophobic and saying THE BROWN MEXICANS ARE INVADING TO STEAL OUR JOBS AND HOMES! because that isn't true. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... Let's not get silly here, mate.

IF they are entering ILLEGALLY - they ARE Invaders.

No ifs and/or buts about it.

... Facts are Facts... No other explanation needed.

#### Salty
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Watch: Border Patrol Unlocking Gates For Illegals; Rand Paul Says Time For "Zero Tolerance Policy"

Commenting on the video, Senator Rand Paul stated “The Democrats love illegal immigration, and so they have not been willing to change the laws.”

“Anybody who is caught in the act of coming in should be immediately placed back on the other side. No process, nothing. If you were caught breaking in, not through a normal portal of entry, you should go back on the other side of the river immediately,” Paul asserted.


“Once you did that for about six months, and while I was not opposed to the wall, I think you could do it with helicopters and with maybe 50 stations along the border, and you could have it done in a month,” Paul said