Helpful hints??

TemptationTammie's Avatar
What kinds of items, including brand names - soaps, deodorant, shampoo, etc would you like for ladies to have available at incalls.
I personally offer to let guys shower before or after sessions and try to provide unscented and soap for men at my incalls, but what brands or scent suggestions would be best to prevent suspicion at home?
These are primarily for home incalls, because traveling with too many items may be a bit suspicious. LOL.
Whispers's Avatar
What kinds of items, including brand names - soaps, deodorant, shampoo, etc would you like for ladies to have available at incalls.
I personally offer to let guys shower before or after sessions and try to provide unscented and soap for men at my incalls, but what brands or scent suggestions would be best to prevent suspicion at home? Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
What kind of soaps wipe the stench off the guy that sees a whore after she takes a shot at another lady that her BF was fucking instead of dealing with the BF? That's some nasty shit to get close to and knowing the right hygiene product for the situation would come in handy....
I like to go to Tuesday is so fun to shop in that store..I can spend hours..and they have a great selection. For unscented I like to use a soap made with shea leaves skin soft and clean without the heavy perfume smell. For the nice scented ones I like to use anything made by Bliss..which is usually on sale at Nordstroms The Rack. That store is a lot of fun too!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I don't take shots at other ladies, hun.
This is meant as an informational and helpful thread, not just to myself but for all ladies with private or even shared incalls.
sue_nami's Avatar
I try to have a variety of soaps, the man scented body washes seem to be the crowd fave. I do offer unscented as well as ivory soap. I have male deodorants and shampoos and razors and shaving creme too. it pays to have supplies so the guys can feel fresh and leave happy and clean. Good thread tammie. What i use personally is all unscented due to some guys having scent allergies and clean and fresh smells best anyway.
Whispers's Avatar
I don't take shots at other ladies, hun.
This is meant as an informational and helpful thread, not just to myself but for all ladies with private or even shared incalls. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie

Everyone here lately is fond of talking about what they "hear"...... I heard a story of a totally different side of you ...

If it was a thread for the ladies rather than an attention keep an old desperate whore in view hoping for some business you would place it in the ladies only forum....
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Let me rephrase that.... It is for the ladies to know what types of products the guys would like for the ladies to have on hand.

And I'm not trying to get business in Austin this week since I am not there. I'm not desperate either.
If you don't have any useful advice, why bother hijacking this thread.
Whispers's Avatar
I'm not hijacking the thread... I asked for a recommendation for a soap product that a guy might find useful for a stench he would need to remove after seeing a provider....

Seems very relevant and on topic to me....Different whores stink for different reasons.... I doubt there is no one "all-purpose--Ho-be-gone".....
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Not all ladies 'stink' as you put it. And no, there isn't one all purpose soap, which is why I started this thread...
This was meant to be a fact finding thread to find out what soaps or products guys use at home so that some of them can be readily available. Whether at my incalls, or at ANY incall.

If any guy has some suggestions yet do not want to post in this thread, feel free to PM me and I'll put up suggestions.
Whispers's Avatar
Not all ladies 'stink' as you put it.

You know that how? I've reviewed over 500 over the years here in Texas.... I have a little experience with the subject matter....

And no, there isn't one all purpose soap, which is why I started this thread...

This was meant to be a fact finding thread to find out what soaps or products guys use at home so that some of them can be readily available. Whether at my incalls, or at ANY incall.

Really? Seem to me more of a Look At me and maybe pay some attention to me when I am back in town cause I need the business....

If any guy has some suggestions yet do not want to post in this thread, feel free to PM me and I'll put up suggestions. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
Great thread, Tammie.

I keep unscented Dove bodywash, a manly smelling bodywash, and neutrogena rainbath on hand at all times.

Ignore the troll. He'll go away eventually.
Whispers's Avatar

Unscented products leave a man smelling as if he just showered or bathed...... Most men use a particular product at home and if they come home not smelling like it SO's notice.....

In regards to "trolls"..... Some have proven staying power..... Even with groups trying to get rid of them for years and years.....

But keep hoping....!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
.... Most men use a particular product at home and if they come home not smelling like it SO's notice..... Originally Posted by Whispers
This is EXACTLY what I'm looking for, items that guys use at home so that at least one or two of those items are available.

And Whispers, you are the one bringing the attention.
This is EXACTLY what I'm looking for, items that guys use at home so that at least one or two of those items are available. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
This is why I keep the men's scented stuff as well as the Rainbath (for one of my regulars - I won't say which one for fear of being accused of handing out RW info - fucking ridiculous).
(for one of my regulars - I won't say which one for fear of being accused of handing out RW info - fucking ridiculous). Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
What is ridiculous is that you would even think of throwing his name out there, totally unnecessary to make your soap recommendation.

Could just say I like Rainbath! See no name necessary.