ROS...... is it a public forum???

Still Looking's Avatar
ROS is it a public forum? I have been told on several occasions that it is NOT! So pictures posted are not subject to the same rules as a public forum. Well this changes from forum to forum subject to mod interpretation. What’s the rule here?
I am doing this from. My phone. I addressed this via pm. In regards to genitalia pics in ros of reviews in houston every single time such a pic has been posted in the ros. Of a review, we get complaints from the girl requesting it be removed. It appears that although the girls are allowing a series of pics to be taken. They aren't aware of the vaginal shots being used in a review until a WK tells them. That's when we get the complaints and have to contact the OP to inform them to allow the removal. Such pics can be posted in the mens area with no problem. I will add to this later from the computer
ROS is it a public forum? I have been told on several occasions that it is NOT! So pictures posted are not subject to the same rules as a public forum. Well this changes from forum to forum subject to mod interpretation. What’s the rule here? Originally Posted by Still Looking

Regardless if they have the "comments" ROS hidden and regardless of the premium service that members pay to view the hidden comments you should assume it can still be read by everyone.
SweetCougar's Avatar
Right, cause everything "leaks" these days! As someone once told me ---- once it is on the internet, it is no longer private and is no longer just YOURS. True story.
What’s the rule here? Originally Posted by Still Looking
#12 - Respect the posted "Image Standards" which apply to our public coed forums. (including Showcase) In short, images which depict subjects which are topless are allowed, but below the waist nudity which displays exposed genitalia or images depicting pornography are to be avoided. Additionally, posting URL links to external sites depicting pornography is not permitted. (use RTM to report images which you feel may not be in compliance)

The ROS section of the review forums are not considered to be a "public co-ed" area. Pictures posted in the ROS should not be held to the same rules

Ike is right however, even if ladies agree that any and all pics taken during a session may be posted in the ROS, they have the right to change their mind, or have it changed

Most times the pics will be removed

SweetCougar is also right...nothing is ever really private once posted on the Internet.
Still Looking's Avatar
I totally agree DED! Any picture I post of a provider is posted by a hosting company. The moment the provider lets me know they want them down.... they are GONE!
Mojojo's Avatar
Having permission to post them in the first place is instrumental here. We respect and will go the extra mile to protect everyones privacy as much as we can here, so if a conflicting story exist that could compromise someones well being then expect us to look into it.
I didn't remove the pics. But, from past practices it is only a matter of time, before she sends in a request to have the genital pics removed.........Has NEVER failed.

Also, now that you have them in the ROS. Don't post additional similar pics to bump the review later on.
ros i always thought was private...
providers that want to see there reviews will find a way, faking a male id, or WK. Not fair to others that play by the rules. I personal believe the providers should be able to view their reviews. Below is a link to a poll i set concerning providers viewing the ROS. Granted it was in Coed, but you know there are many clients than providers.

I do believe is should be require membership status, as it explicit, and sometimes has photos
SweetCougar's Avatar
or just finding the "leak" is out there for the world to see. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. And the stories the gents tell about their sessions.........oh my ~~~~
thanks for the input, I know it leaks, and am careful, thanks.

ironically, I was less careful in the men's forum, thinking that less likely to leak