Who played sports

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-12-2009, 11:54 AM
just wondering who played sports in school? i played soft ball, volleyball and ran track,
440, mile relay, cross country, hurdles and high jump....
SASpurfan's Avatar
Football, baseball, and track (did not run, but threw discus).

Many moons ago!

For me it was Baseball, Football, Ruby, Track, Swimming, Basketball. In Track I ran the 100, 110 high hurdles, 220, 330, 4x440 relay, put the shot, threw the discus, broad jump and high jump.
MiniMeat's Avatar
Our school didn't have a football program, so it was Cross Country, Basketball and Baseball for me..........
I played soft ball, varsity basketball, swim team, syncronized swimming and believe it or not football =) one year.
Clouddancer's Avatar
It was skiing for me. Continued professionally throughout the 80's. Never made a great living but had a lot of fun!
Football and Track.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Football, basketball, chasing cheerleaders.

Well, I lettered in two out of the three.

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I was a dodgeball target!!
w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 07-12-2009, 05:53 PM
In high school I played football (loved it) drove 12 miles from my house to school for two a days, I used my pickup, the school paid for my gas. Run the high and low hurdles in track. I didn't like basketball and the school didn't have a baseball program.
  • fubar
  • 07-12-2009, 06:22 PM
Baseball pitcher through college. Recruited by LA Dodgers and offered minor league assignment when I was still in college. Turned it down and finished college. I was not that good to play in "The Show".
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I played basketball in middle school. I quit when I got to high school because they required you to be in cross country as well. For those of you who have seen me before........Me and running five miles before school started just don't mix!
Football track and golf.
I dabbled in basketball, was a cheerleader for a bit, did Track and field - shot put - 800m and ran cross country.
Mesquitor's Avatar
In virtually every sport I played, I was the designated "last one to be picked". My job was to keep other kids from having THEIR feelings hurt!

It wasn't sports, but I did spend some time in Cub Scouts . . . at least until I got thrown out for eating Brownies!