Soft Drinks

I am curious has to how many people drink soft drinks? And how many do you drink a day? I myself am thinking about giving them up. Way to much sugar, and they really aren't that good for you. But I do like the caffine rush in the mornnings. I have tried diet, but those do nothing taste wise for me. And my favorite soft drink is Dr Pepper, so very hard to let go.
  • npita
  • 11-17-2009, 08:21 AM
I don't drink any soft drinks at all (apart from one Fresca every couple of months). When I was in my early 20's and worked out all the time, I realized that every soft drink was about 150 totally empty calories. I switched to diet soft drinks for a while and finally just quit altogether. Try drinking things like V8 or pure fruit juice (as opposed to fake fruit juice loaded with high fructose corn syrup). If you're worried about weight, write down everything you eat and drink every day along with the caloric and nutritional content. You'll develop a distaste for a lot of things that way.
I drink between 64 and 80 oz of water a day, I sometimes drink coke zero when I'm at Chipolte or Diet Cherry Dr Pepper at home.
gman44's Avatar
otrdriver's Avatar
I don't drink any soft drinks at all (apart from one Fresca every couple of months). When I was in my early 20's and worked out all the time, I realized that every soft drink was about 150 totally empty calories. I switched to diet soft drinks for a while and finally just quit altogether. Try drinking things like V8 or pure fruit juice (as opposed to fake fruit juice loaded with high fructose corn syrup). If you're worried about weight, write down everything you eat and drink every day along with the caloric and nutritional content. You'll develop a distaste for a lot of things that way. Originally Posted by npita
I agree with the quote, the high sugar isn't good for you besides the sugars used nowaday end being stored in your blood stream and depending on your lifestyle can eventually lead to diabetes in later life. Most softdrinks use artificual sweetners. stick with real fruit juice check the sugars and carbs in them. after reading package labels for awhile you will probably stop eating a lot of things. Most food items today are packed with sodium to preserve the food. Frozen dinners are almost pure salt!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I drink tea now and don't even drink sodas anymore. When I was working in the car biz my best guess was 8-9 a day (2 lrg fountain drinks and 2-3 can drinks)
Like Papi Datsun, I gave up all soft drinks probably 5 years ago & now drink water or iced tea when I am not drinking wine or Jack Daniels.

This may be TMI, but I remember my wife saying there was a noticeable difference is the smell of my urine when I started drinking water & iced tea vs. the 5 or so diet sodas I used to consume daily. That is probably a good sign that I am generally healthier though I cannot say I felt any difference. Now I need to cut down on the amount of wine & Jack Daniels.
Olesweetie's Avatar

I am in the process of giving up on soda's. One thing that has helped me is Diet Green Tea, comes in citrus and berry. Berry taste much better to me.
OldGrump's Avatar
I was proud of myself for only drinking diet drinks and club soda until I went to a nutritionist. She told me the there were studies that showed artificial sweeteners actually initiated hunger and prolonged use could result in weight gain.

My doctors have said no alcohol, now this!

I guess it's water, coffee, tea and wet kisses from now on.
Magnetron's Avatar
Like Papi Datsun, I gave up all soft drinks probably 5 years ago & now drink water or iced tea when I am not drinking wine or Jack Daniels. Originally Posted by ReadCT
Papi Datsun... slander! LOL
TexRich's Avatar
Triple XXX Rootbeer

At 150 calories x 5 or so per day=750 extra calories per day x 365 days=273,750 calories annually before you ever feed yourself. Needing to burn approximatly 3000 calories to equal one pound thats 91.5 pounds to offset with workout/diet each year. Of course matabolisms very.

I lost over 100 LBS. a while back. Gave up soda for diet soda. It took about 2 weeks to adjust. Now diet is the taste I prefer.

Taking my hot new avatar out for a spin!
ace0791's Avatar
I drink 3-4 cans of Coke most days and lots of water as well. I stay pretty active, so burning the calories is not too hard. I do need to cut back some.
Cant stand the diet drinks but Coke Zero is OK. Its just that i have been with Coke so long, the flavor of the Zero is just a little off (the sweetener they use).
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Love the Coke Zero! About 1 per day.
When I'm taking classes, the only thing that keeps me from walking around in a haze from sleep deprivation during the day is diet caffeinated sodas. I quit drinking the corn syrup sweetened sodas a few years ago -- I don't actually like the taste of most soda enough to find the extra calories worth it.

However, when it comes to the sodas I love -- NO DIET! And for the love of Pete, NO CORN SYRUP!


Also, this guy is awesome:
"John Nese is the proprietor of Galcos Soda Pop Stop in LA. His father ran it as a grocery store, and when the time came for John to take charge, he decided to convert it into the ultimate soda-lovers destination. About 500 pops line the shelves, sourced lovingly by John from around the world. John has made it his mission to keep small soda-makers afloat and help them find their consumers. Galcos also acts as a distributor for restaurants and bars along the West Coast, spreading the gospel of soda made with cane sugar (no high-fructose corn syrup if John can avoid it)."
[ame=""]YouTube- Obsessives: Soda Pop -[/ame]

- Carrie,
Soda Snob