Most Americans Now Suspect Federal Agents Provoked Jan 6th

berryberry's Avatar
A large majority of Americans now suspect that U.S. federal agents provoked the January 6th riots at the United States Capitol, according to a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports.

Nearly two-thirds, 65 percent, of likely U.S. voters, think the events at the Capitol were provoked following the release of the videotapes by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight in March. This represents an increase of 4 points since March 2nd, when Rasmussen last polled on the issue.

Just 12 percent of all surveyed thought that it is “not at all likely” that undercover agents helped provoke the Capitol riot – less than one-eighth of the American voter base.

Perhaps surprisingly, on the same question, Rasmussen discovered a majority of Democrat voters, 59 percent, believe it was either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that “undercover government agents helped provoke” the incident.

Among Republican voters the number is even higher, with 60 percent thinking it is “very likely” and another 14 percent “somewhat likely” – a total of 3 in 4 voters.
HDGristle's Avatar
I knew it was going to be Rasmussen
berryberry's Avatar
I knew it was going to be Rasmussen Originally Posted by HDGristle
And your point is?
I knew it was going to be Rasmussen Originally Posted by HDGristle
... Are you blue that it's not a poll from CNN
or ABC-News?? ...

#### Salty
rmg_35's Avatar
Only the radical far-right maga worshipping faux news vomit guzzling rubes think that greedy federal agents provoked January 6. tRump worked up the idiots that refused to listen to all the court cases and normal news that tRump lost the election. The radical morons maga fools only listened to the fack ass radical lying ass right-wing jackasses that lying all the time and fucking dumb-ass lying tRump and stormed the Capitol. THE FEDETAL AGENTS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHIMG TO DO WITH IT. The radical right-wing nutjobs can't admit they were played fur fools so they have to gaslight and blame somebody....typical radical right-wing maga bullshit.
... You need to take the Revolver News Challenge, mate.
Where you can learn all about Ray Epps and the other
government agents... Or have a go at Tucker's 6 Jan footage.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Only the radical far-right maga worshipping faux news vomit guzzling rubes think that greedy federal agents provoked January 6. tRump worked up the idiots that refused to listen to all the court cases and normal news that tRump lost the election. The radical morons maga fools only listened to the fack ass radical lying ass right-wing jackasses that lying all the time and fucking dumb-ass lying tRump and stormed the Capitol. THE FEDETAL AGENTS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHIMG TO DO WITH IT. The radical right-wing nutjobs can't admit they were played fur fools so they have to gaslight and blame somebody....typical radical right-wing maga bullshit. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Ho hum - facts hurt

Perhaps surprisingly, on the same question, Rasmussen discovered a majority of Democrat voters, 59 percent, believe it was either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that “undercover government agents helped provoke” the incident.
Cody69's Avatar
Actually 90% of Americans all knew it was and is the Orange Turd. Especially the ones who watched the investigation or are not one sided. He was spoiled all of his life and had the money to have his own way.

Now that is only the facts. We all found out about those facts from FOX NEWS. LOL
berryberry's Avatar
Actually 90% of Americans all knew it was and is the Orange Turd. Especially the ones who watched the investigation or are not one sided. He was spoiled all of his life and had the money to have his own way.
Originally Posted by Cody69
Again - you can make up whatever numbers you want to satisfy your Trump hatred. The facts are these:

Nearly two-thirds, 65 percent, of likely U.S. voters, think the events at the Capitol were provoked by US Federal Agents

Those are the facts.
HDGristle's Avatar
No, that's a polling result. An estimate. An attempt at an educated guess. Not a fact. We know polling results are only facts for the respondents themselves. We use them to try to read the tone, tenor and temperature of the general populace but that doesn't mean it's accurate. Even the estimates on error are estimates.
berryberry's Avatar
No, those are facts, You may not like them but they are factual results from a scientific poll

All polls have a margin of error - everyone knows that. In this case the Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points so if you prefer "Nearly two-thirds, 62 to 68 percent, of likely U.S. voters, think the events at the Capitol were provoked by US Federal Agents
Then most Americans are idiots
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Based on the 8 million votes claim, I’d have to agree.
No, those are facts, You may not like them but they are factual results from a scientific poll Originally Posted by berryberry
“From a scientific poll!!”
:ro flmao:

You gotta stop it dude! My sides are killing me I’m laughing so hard!
:ro flmao::roflm ao:
berryberry's Avatar
Then most Americans are idiots Originally Posted by Rege69
Well, we do know that those who voted for the senile inhabitant of the White House and the mentally retarded Senator for PA are.

But even some of them have woken up to the facts and how the fed agents were involved in provoking Jan 6.