Unreliable Provider...

Here's your warning gentleman....



Miss_Missy is not worth setting something up with. I personally set a time with her went to her location and sat around for 30 minutes after she was "going to be right down". No response to text, messages, or PMs since.

Looks like she's left a few other people hanging out to dry as well.

Apparently she started on BP and got directed here.

For the record, I'm totally good and not too upset about the whole thing. I figure it just comes with the territory, but now that she's gotten a few people, this is a pattern and figured I should alert the others to save them time and/or money.

Truly not trying to be a jerk here. And if she sees this, I'm totally open to giving her a chance to defend herself as she sounded interesting and fun, but unfortunately has shown to reliability thus far.
Ditto. Bummer that she flamed out during her welcome; not a shock that it happened.
Guest062716's Avatar
Thanks for the info. The fair exchange of information without the "flames" is what makes our forum informative. However, I would suggest that this probably belongs in CoEd, rather than Alerts, as Alerts are for true issues of safety/danger.

There is, IMO, no disadvantage to posting this in CoEd. Both sub-forums are read by the audience at-large and both can be seen and responded to by the ladies and gents alike.

Missy, of course, is welcome to respond.

Thanks again for posting,

ffireman's Avatar
Moved...... As Sarge said, the Alerts are for true hazard/danger/safety issues. This seems to be a TCB complaint.

Good point gentleman. Makes sense.
The ONLY time she texted me back is when I accused her of being a flake or LE. I think it's just a group of little kids or something playing around with pics of their sister.