So quite can hear a mouse fart. Another example of hypocrisy

Precious_b's Avatar
The supporters of #hewhoshallbenamed are pretty silent with the latest news. Seeing they use to rattle off a litany of mantras at their love ins, I figure when the mirror turns on them, they would automatically fall in the habit of yelling out whatever is queued.

Seeing that Hillary was scathed with having official government documents on her personal server, "Lock Her Up!" was the big cry. But since the government went down to Florida and claim what is theirs, and all American citizens, haven't heard a peep about locking donny up.

And the stickler, WH maintenance workers stated they pulled such documents out of the Big Cheatos shitter when called about it being clogged. Not to mention that his aides have seen him eat documents too.

So, when are y'all gonna start that well worn chestnut of a slogan for your beloved?
... Yet another bullshit story. ... All you got.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Complete desperation
TechPapi's Avatar
Complete desperation Originally Posted by winn dixie

yup. On drumpf's part. Same guy that knows more about anything than anyone...doesn't know the law around archives.

Trump Denies Flushing Records Down Toilet, Claims He Was Unaware of Law

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday denied a claim that he flushed documents down a White House toilet and said he was told he was under "no obligation" to turn over his administration's records, which flies in the face of presidential-records law.

"Also, another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book," Trump said in a statement released by his Save America PAC after Axios reported on excerpts of the New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman's upcoming book, "Confidence Man."

Jennifer Jacobs, a Bloomberg White House reporter, said Haberman's reporting about the documents in toilets was "100% accurate" and that sources at the time confirmed staff found torn up pieces of papers in toilets and thought that Trump was behind it.

Trump has faced days of questions and reports over his apparent flouting of the Presidential Records Act, which requires every White House to preserve memos, documents, and other memorabilia considered the property of the American people.

"In actuality, I have been told I was under no obligation to give this material based on various legal rulings that have been made over the years," Trump said in his statement.

The National Archives and Records Administration, which collects, sorts through, and later releases presidential records, has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Trump broke the law when he took documents to Mar-a-Lago, The Washington Post reported. In another sign of the seriousness of the situation, The Times reported that officials found what could be classified information in the documents Trump handed over belatedly.

There are now at least four ways in which Trump is accused of trying to destroy documents while in the White House:

He ripped them up, Politico reported in 2018.
He ate them, Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former White House advisor, writes in her 2018 memoir.
He dropped them on the floor, the National Archives said.
He flushed them down the toilet, Haberman's book says.

According to Axios, Haberman's book says White House staffers sometimes found toilets clogged with printed paper. She adds that they thought Trump was the culprit.

Historians and experts have pointed out that the Presidential Records Act is relatively toothless in punishing those who fail to comply with it. But The Daily Beast reported one federal law dealing with the mutilation or destruction of documents carried the possibility of Trump being barred from ever holding office again.
... Good Luck! ...

#### Salty
TechPapi's Avatar
Just gets better and better. Such a fucking coward.

Trump evaded White House call logs on day of Capitol riots, committee finds | The Independent

This is, of course, all coming from the "lock her up" parrots. And just whatabout that darned laptop of Hunter Bidens? lol

Additionally, Mr Trump is now the subject of a House Oversight Committee investigation into what the committee called “potential serious violations” of federal record-keeping laws, including whether Mr Trump continued to possess presidential records after his term ended last January.

Earlier this week, Oversight committee chair Carolyn Maloney asked the Department of Justice to look into Mr Trump’s handling of White House records after it became known that Nara recently had to recover 15 boxes of records — which are the property of the US government — from Mr Trump’s Florida residence.

“[Mr] Trump’s conduct ... involves a former president potentially violating a criminal law by intentionally removing records, including communications with a foreign leader, from the White House and reportedly attempting to destroy records by tearing them up,” she wrote in a letter to Archivist of the United States David Ferriero.
... No worrys - they can have them back.

Trump just wanted to make copies of the important stuff.
Just in case the Biden FBI/DOJ somehow makes things DISAPPEAR.

Like Hillary's "missing" emails. ...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The supporters of #hewhoshallbenamed are pretty silent with the latest news. Seeing they use to rattle off a litany of mantras at their love ins, I figure when the mirror turns on them, they would automatically fall in the habit of yelling out whatever is queued.

Seeing that Hillary was scathed with having official government documents on her personal server, "Lock Her Up!" was the big cry. But since the government went down to Florida and claim what is theirs, and all American citizens, haven't heard a peep about locking donny up.

And the stickler, WH maintenance workers stated they pulled such documents out of the Big Cheatos shitter when called about it being clogged. Not to mention that his aides have seen him eat documents too.

So, when are y'all gonna start that well worn chestnut of a slogan for your beloved? Originally Posted by Precious_b

so quite? this is your thread. the word your brain was searching for is "quiet" ..

i find you and your libtard cohorts here amusing with your display of "superior intellect"

you do realize that you could have edited the title of your idiotic thread for 1 hour after you posted it, right?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Yet another bullshit story. ... All you got.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Complete desperation Originally Posted by winn dixie
... No worrys - they can have them back.

Trump just wanted to make copies of the important stuff.
Just in case the Biden FBI/DOJ somehow makes things DISAPPEAR.

Like Hillary's "missing" emails. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
This is HYSTERICAL! Who ELSE but Trump would attempt to shitcan evidence down the crapper.

And of course he did. It's precisely what anybody would expect Trump to do. Shit, the guy tried to fuck the flag while he was POTUS. Looked into an eclipse. Talked about buying Greenland. etc. etc. etc.

They'll never recover what's on that floppy drive.

Precious_b's Avatar
... Yet another bullshit story. ... All you got.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No. That's not how it goes. "Lock Him Up!" "Lock Him Up!" "Lock Him Up!"

Don't get selective memory now

You'll have to show how each one is BS. And it aint mine.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is HYSTERICAL! Who ELSE but Trump would attempt to shitcan evidence down the crapper.

And of course he did. It's precisely what anybody would expect Trump to do. Shit, the guy tried to fuck the flag while he was POTUS. Looked into an eclipse. Talked about buying Greenland. etc. etc. etc.

They'll never recover what's on that floppy drive.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

YR .. believes the Steele dossier is fact and refreshes his browser repeatedly waiting for the "pee tape" to drop.

it's lonely in Clarksville isn't it?
... I have to show why it's BS??

... No, I don't. ... Someone claiming it doesn't just
make it so. ... Just like "Trump-Russia collusion"...

... You must have missed that.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jerked off with a Bible.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jerked off with a Bible. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

in your case that would be the lingerie section of the Sears catalog

TechPapi's Avatar
Jerked off with a Bible. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Right! I do that ALL the time. BAHHHAHHAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Do you skip to the incest parts? No kink shaming....I know a lot of small-stature people are into that.

I wonder if drumpf did that while he flushed the docs down the toilet...