Lux, the vicious cat

bambino's Avatar

Lux, a vicious 22lb cat kept a family trapped in a room till the police came to free them from this terror. The man of the family was petrified and couldn't subdue Lux. BSer had a fat cat, but like most pets they take on the personality of its owner. BSers cat was fat and lazy.

Fuckin Lux
  • BSer
  • 03-19-2014, 09:52 PM
Fat cats wear top hats
AmishGangster's Avatar
Did lux wear a top hat?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I heard the 911 call, what a man. It is a good thing he ran away and locked himself in a room and called for help.

In Texas, that cat would be tamales that night.
  • BSer
  • 03-20-2014, 05:33 AM
From what I heard the if it happened in Texas the man of the house wouldn't of been home. He would be out gulping tranny loads
AmishGangster's Avatar
Cat tamale. side of sand please.
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 03-20-2014, 07:55 AM
Dude doesn't have a golf club or baseball bat or something?
bambino's Avatar
Lux is going to invade the Ukraine next. Lux is a fuckin terror.
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
Hey........... give the guy a break. I can think of more than a few pussies that have scared the hell out of me.
Header off the third floor balcony.

Lets see if it landed on it's feet.
eaglehorse's Avatar
A little cat nip soaked in Stolies......