Vacationing together

I'm curious, are there providers that are interested in a 3 or 5 day beach vacation with a hobbyist? If so, what are the normal rules of engagement??
mtabsw's Avatar
The ones I've done it with aren't around anymore, so this is just a few data points.

None of them advertised overnight rates, weekend rates, like so many of the HDH. In one case, one went for a week and it cost me meals, diving, hotel, and airfare. One went for a long weekend and the price of a session per day although we did much more. Several went for 3-5 days in NYC, cost me a lot indirectly as we went to nice dinners, broadway shows etc but again no direct cash changed hands.

Rule one - only go for long trips with someone you've seen before, and trust since almost inevitable that personal information will be exhanged. Also only go with someone you are certain won't be carrying something we can't mention on this board.

So when you think you have someone in mind, talk to them, describe the great time etc. Sadly not too many I know are interested in that experience where they're not coming home with a bag of cash.