Like Clockwork, CNN, MSNBC Stroke Out Over Critical Race Theory Being Bashed to Win Elections

  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 12:56 PM

Source: AP Photo/Ron Harris

Republican Glenn Youngkin won Virginia’s governor’s race through “dog whistle racism.” Right, because that’s why Republicans also voted for Winsome Sears, who is set to become the first black woman to ever occupy the lieutenant governor’s office. She’s also a former US Marine. The Left cannot deal with this—and it’s delicious. MSNBC and CNN must keep the liberal media bias watchers on their toes because the insanity spewed over the past 36 hours has been epic. Yes, it’s a ‘new, old songs’ type of deal—but it’s beyond entertaining. The avoidance in admitting what is clear as day, which is that the Democratic Party has become too extreme for normal voters—is fun to watch. It’s not that we’re wrong, it’s that everyone else is racist. Also, white people suck. That’s the message of the day for Democrats who will learn nothing from Youngkin’s win or Phil Murphy barely surviving in deep-blue New Jersey.
The moral superiority complex is even denser if they can’t see what happened here. It will earn another layer of protection given that the media will blame white voters, especially white women for the results in Virginia.
Yeah, not wanting their kids to be raped in school in “white identity politics.”

Rand Paul Corners Fauci on Quietly Changing Gain-of-Function Definition Katie Pavlich

Wanting their kids to learn actual things in the classroom is “white identity politics.” Oh, yeah—Critical Race Theory is the new “welfare queen” iteration. These people are on Mars. The good news is that these folks drive the Democratic Party’s messaging, and they will never appeal to moderate voters. The center has left the Democratic Party and Joe Biden. And speaking like the faculty at UC Berkeley isn’t going to solve the problem.
‘Why won’t they think and agree with us,’ they seethe. You know that’s how these liberals feel right now.
Well, we’re not mentally ill. That’s why.

see - link for tweets
and - Seek - professional help for proletariat still deluded by Xinn and LSM racism, hatred, and foolishness.

Buck fiden

From my cold dead hands

No wonder Xinn and :SM viewership plummets ilke a rock - as did the Titanic.

The democraticommunist ship of state - is sunk by its own marxist , radical ideology adn hatred.

we don't teach crt, you're a racist for not liking crt, we teach history you just don't like the history we teach, math and gt classes are white superiority, parents shouldn't have any say in their child's education

and oh yeah, all you white teachers, you have to go

but we are comforted by the Taliban's statement, "you have the watch but we have the time", since all we need to do is move in more illegal immigrants to Virginia and wait

we already made it legal for all the felons to vote during the reign of the last two democrat governors

and don't you dare try to move the voting rules back to the jim crow era of 2019 to stop us from bundling and having the time to round up all the nursing home mail in ballots, you racist you
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 02:10 PM
NGIT - well written of the democraticommunist party
I did not watch any of the ABC coverage.

Did Martha Raddatz cry?
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Right have you ever tried to get cash change ,, most now can't