Anyone watch the news tonight? The media is making us famous!

Looks as if some people have ruined a good thing, probably the one's whom flip and run and tell it all so anyways now we have to deal with this, again... First Craigslist - lol I only said this because Yes, I started from the bottom.
After that I believe we lost our lovely ASPD and now ECCIE is being treated as such... Haters with Free Advertisement?

So what do you all think about this news clip from tonight?

"For weeks, we’ve tried to get a hold of the current owners of We even talked to a previous owner, but no one ever took ownership of the site." -- hehehehehe

Miss Dreams
The chan 11 news people have a closed mind where prostitution is concerned. All they see is under age slaves. They don't or won't admit that ECCIE makes it safe for those in the hobby. The fact that under age providers will be weeded out by the review process never crosses their minds.
badhusband's Avatar
The media is there to fuel all the 'do gooders' to lobby their politicians to make changes. The Gov't doesn't like it either becasue thay can't regulate it, control it, and mainly, they're not getting a piece of the action.

Maybe they should go after other sites like where I might meet a gal who has an ad where I'll spend more money for the night on the town for dinner, movie, recreation, etc and still go home with blue balls than I would spend for a one hour appointment and we both walk away with a smile on our faces..
From the article:

"The overall goal is to decrease the demand for these kinds of sites and, consequently, decrease human and sex trafficking."

The demand for "these kinds of sites" will always exist but that demand has very little or nothing at all to do with trafficking. The trafficking will probably always occur as well, independent of sites like ECCIE.

That being said, I have heard of underage trafficking occurring via bp, most notably in Michigan a year or two ago.

Amd shutting down a site or two will have no real effect on the problem they ostensibly are trying to take care of (trafficking).