Is my paranoia about my identity rational? And my experience so far as a newbie

So I am dipping my toes into the hobby. It started with a few nights if dropping $$-$$$ at PTs. Then I found this site and learned about the AMPs, studios and providers. I had a few drinks the other night and after leaving Spearmint Rhino I drove by Studio Wet, eyeballed the outside and basically forced myself to go in simply because I just thought it was impossible to build up the nerve to do it. I eventually knew if I didn't go in I would hate myself for being a coward. So I go in, knew the name of someone recommended and really had a great time. Next I read about some more involved play at some strip clubs and give that a try. First time I try and I get laid, but it was far less satisfying than the studio. Now I feel like trying an AMP or an independent provider but I can't bring myself to expose my personal details for screening. Particularly my job. I am not a pediatrician, but for the sake of illustration, imagine the price a pediatrician would pay if he got arrested for being in the hobby. That said I don't have a wife or kids so I know the possible fallout for some is really just as great.

In any case I am having a huge time feeling comfortable with, let's say, sending employment info to p411. I have so much trouble just putting my car in the lot of a studio.

That said I do make a shit load of money and can afford to approach this from different angles if I could trade money privacy in some way. Not married but I really enjoy simply paying for good no strings attached sex and would love to be able to enjoy the benefits of the hobby without being deathly afraid of being outted.

Looking forward to some replied from you experienced members who are comfortable with your hobby.
I know what you mean. But, speaking as a provider, we expect the same type of personal info to be revealed. It is for our safety as well. We are putting our lives at risk... by seeing some unknown male.. to provide company to. We invite you into our homes... into our personal lives.. where are familys live... and so on. So, if you're serious about hobbying.. and seeing new women... then put the info out there to p4. It is safe... no one will know what you do unless you tell them.. The site screens for us.. so that we feel safe to see you... If this is just something that you'd rather not do... then don't hobby. The info that p4 requests is to make sure you have no record... to make sure you're not LE... (which puts us at risk)... and to be sure you're safe to see. They are discreet. They will never give out your info to anyone. There are tons of men that have done this for the hobby. This just ensures that you will be good to us.. and we will not cause you any problems. Only see reputeable providers. Screen on your part. Dont see new girls. Don't see girls with management. See independent providers like me... with no drama following their names. This a safe hobby.. if both parties are legit... and serious. Feel free to pm me for more info... and i'm sure more hobbyist and providers will chime in to help fill in the blanks i left out.

Good luck darlin.

Play safe
Amber Rain
Thanks for the reply amber. One question I have regarding the employment info is what Is p411 going to even do with it? I see three possibilities. 1) they do nothing with it and never verify it. 2) they do nothing with it but hold onto it in case you act out in which case they burn you or at least the presumed threat of that keeps clients in line. 3) They actually call your employeer to verify the info and presumably they are just checking to see you have a job as something other than a cop. and 4) a combo of 2 and 3.

I completely understand a provider needed to ensure her safety and so I would never ask someone to compromise the standards they have set to feel safe. I have asked a provider here to meet me in public first and provided the number for a studio and names there as references (which I have no idea if any others find that acceptable) and I didn't give her my work info, but then again I essentially was stood up. I'll withhold the name to be charitable since I'm new be she is well established here.
No. I dont' know what they do to verify your employment. BUT, what I do know... is that NO other hobbyist that is on p4.. has ever had a problem with them at all. Its just a screening process that helps the girls realize you are good to go. I say go with it.. if you're serious about hobbying indefinately. Its a good time. Its safe. If done with the right reputeable providers... very safe and fun. I have never heard ANYTHING negative from any hobbyist about the verification process of p4.

Just a thought. Give the thread til the a.m... I'm sure others will chime in.
Good luck and be safe.

Amber Rain
Torito's Avatar
There are a variety of ways to go. P411 is a very good path, taken by many. For me personally, I don’t choose to give out much real life info in this kind of activity. I don’t know if any hobbyest has ever had a problem with P411 or not. I don't have a family or a great, sensitive job toprotect. My survival instinct just says no.

I decided to see newbie friendly providers. In the process of having fun I built a reputation from references and reviews. Then more providers were available to me.

Some ladies will not see anyone without P411. I think that is OK. I never try to get a lady to leave her comfort zone, either in screening or in the room. I don’t want her to reduce her safety requirements, just as I will not reduce mine.

I don’t think that studios will give references. Probably most providers would not accept it anyway.

I am not giving advice. Everyone needs to choose his own path.

BTW in the last few years I have converted to mostly Korean AMPs. The few that I see regularly provide what I want, with the attitude that I like. Just a personal preference.

jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 10-18-2011, 03:35 AM
It is like building a credit history. First, you may be able to meet one or two newby friendly providers from eccie with solid reviews and history. Then you are done as these providers can provide references for future. Write reviews on eccie as they will stay longer and build this community of people with same interests. My recommendation is to stick with eccie folks. They are awesome good people. Good luck.
OriginalLHB's Avatar
I'm not very experienced, but my experience with P411 has been nothing but positive. I sent in my application, they called me the next day at my office, and that was that. The site is fantastic, discrete and provides an excellent way to contact and communicate with providers through their private message and request appointment systems.

I'd be a lot more worried about somebody seeing my car in the parking lot of some SC, personally.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
After they verify you are employed where you say you are they destroy the info. They are not a database of names and employers. Lots of people questioned that when they started but many actually went through the process with Gina in person and verified the fact.

I have had a couple of incidents in the hobby, but not one was related to P411. In fact, my experience is that some of the guys on the board are a bigger risk than anyone.
+1 on P411

Its your absolute best bet at this point.
mtabsw's Avatar
P411 is great for creating a hobby persona without risk.

HOWEVER - if you're worried about being discovered - you'll need to continue to exercise a lot of caution -
- Hobby Phone
- Never disclose your name, company, home address
- Use extreme caution when parking your car (car license to owner name/address databases are easily bought)
- STRICTLY CASH for everything - never use your credit/debit card for lunch/drinks/rooms/flowers/lingerie gifts etc
- Avoid toll roads

Based on several outings - it is these inadvertent releases of information that have led to discoveries - not P411
There are several newbie friendly providers (like myself) that can work with you and get you screened using ways you are more comfortable with.
Siple, call P411 service line and they can answer all your questions before you do anything
BigPurdy's Avatar
P411 is great for creating a hobby persona without risk.

HOWEVER - if you're worried about being discovered - you'll need to continue to exercise a lot of caution -
- Hobby Phone
- Never disclose your name, company, home address
- Use extreme caution when parking your car (car license to owner name/address databases are easily bought)
- STRICTLY CASH for everything - never use your credit/debit card for lunch/drinks/rooms/flowers/lingerie gifts etc
- Avoid toll roads

Based on several outings - it is these inadvertent releases of information that have led to discoveries - not P411 Originally Posted by mtabsw
MTABSW, an additional one for me: Never, never run one of those camera monitored red lights at 1 AM, under any circumstances. Letters with pictures show up at your home. That'll get you discovered quicker than any of the above. Oh, but you said that you are single. Whew!
LazurusLong's Avatar
In the current environment where common sense and discretion have been thrown not just out the window but completely destroyed and the tools that some are using to stalk, harass and out both providers and clients, it is best to be paranoid.

Back on ASPD, I know a guy who saw a provider and accurately described her as a BBW and all hell broke loose. She whined to the staff and claimed she never saw the guy even though he never ever combined his ASPD handle with his hobby info (he had a hobby name and hobby phone and hobby email). An ASPD staff member acting as some sort of hobby cop threatened to ban him unless he could prove he had seen her.

He described her incall but that was not good enough the mod demanded to know what day he saw her. Why a staff member would go that far was beyond the member's comfort level and he quit posting reviews on ASPD. The site lost an honest reviewer.

BTW, I knew the provider and yes, she was a BBW.

Here on ECCIE, it is best to NEVER mix your real world information with your hobby handle and phone. The minimal cost of a hobby phone is nothing if what you describe is true about the cost if you were caught or worse, outed.

Outting to wives, families, friends, anything a stalker can find is an ongoing issue.

Just like only YOU can protect yourself from an STD, you and only YOU are responsible for protecting your real life information.
pmdelites's Avatar

discretion is generally upper most in most involved in this sub-culture. while there are some that wouldnt bat an eye at disclosing or outing someone, the vast majority of women and men in this sub-culture keep that info close to their breast or vest, respectively.

torito gave great experiences from his participating in this sub-culture.
matbsw and bigPurdy have great addtl tips for staying on the down-low.

and several have given good info about p411. here are some addtl thoughts from my experiences.

1. if you have any questions about how p411 works, call them and talk w/ them, gina if you feel you need it straight from the owner.

2. just cos they screen you prior to approving your membership, it is not foolproof on either side. a guy could be legit but be a jerk. but there are ways for the women to report him, which may result in his p411 membership being revoked. similarly, a woman can be legit but use fake photos, give guys the run around, out people, etc. and there are ways for the guys to report her, which may result in her p411 membership being revoked.

amber wrote "The site screens for us.. so that we feel safe to see you. ...This just ensures that you will be good to us. ... and we will not cause you any problems. Only see reputeable providers. Screen on your part. Dont see new girls."
while p411 has their screening process, it is not foolproof nor the exact process that any or all women will accept as a minimum. a woman may still want info from you in addition to p411 or eccie membership. you either provide it or you move on to someone else. nothing bad or wrong w/ that.
the key phrase is the one i bolded. however, you can see anyone you want, as long as you feel comfortable doing so [see final paragraph below]. at one time, every woman on eccie was a "new girl".

for all parties, just dont think that since you have p411 or that the woman is on p411 that all is 100% OK. not much worse than being lulled into a false sense of security!!

3. as several mentioned [like torito and ivy chick], there are other ways for a newbie to get references. not sure that will help out getting a p411 later on. again, just check w/ the p411 folks.

just as with many other endeavours, understand the landscape, identify and manage your risks, then proceed with caution [or abandon, as you deem appropriate].