Female condoms or BBFS?

Nearly all providers, as far as I know, note that there is no BBFS and, sometimes, no SS or similar activities that might lead to a BB incident. However, I have been with several providers that despite those same "warnings" in their advertisements or showcases, oops, allowed or even made clear "in the heat of the moment" that BB was okay or wanted, despite the fact that the condoms were sitting next to the bed within easy reach.

It always made me curious. Were they using female condoms? Was it just a 1 in a 1,000 occurrence? No judgement by me on this topic but I wonder if it happens more than I might imagine?
Female condoms are obvious when worn correctly because of the outer rim outside the pussy. And if not worn correctly, wouldn't provide any protection anyway, plus you'd be able to feel it inside if you don't see the rim on the outside.

The 'LordoftheRim' should already know this though. Js
I've never used a female condom with any ladies. I read up on them and if im not mistaken they are visible or stick out a little. Can anyone confirm?
Female condoms are obvious when worn correctly because of the outer rim outside the pussy. And if not worn correctly, wouldn't provide any protection anyway, plus you'd be able to feel it inside if you don't see the rim on the outside.

The 'LordoftheRim' should already know this though. Js Originally Posted by THN
Must've posted as I was typing... That clears up my question. Thank you!
You're welcome.
OP, this is something you realize the longer you stay in the hobby. In the beginning, you're made to believe that BBFS is a huge no-no and no half-way decent gal would ever provide such a horrible evil service.

As you meet more and more gals though, you realize that quite a few of them, including established respectable gals who publicly denounce BBFS, offer it. Don't get me wrong, the majority of providers still don't provide BBFS but a significant minority does offer it, including many who publicly distance themselves from BBFS.

So to answer your question, no, your experience is not 1 in a 1000. It's a lot more common than you think.
Goddamn this topic is getting old. Just go out and have fun. Quit asking if this or that is OK or not. Everything happens and more depending on who's meeting who. It's not normal or abnormal or anybody's fucking right or not. It's all YMMV. Sometimes bb happens, so the fuck what? This topic is a fucking bullshit topic. I wish all of the so called adults around here would quit whispering this bullshit like 5th graders with a stash of fuckin Playboys! Fuuuuck!
Oh, and female condoms suck just as bad as male condoms but for different reasons. You can't top bareback. Plain and simple.
I agree, this is a very old topic with multiple upon multiple threads which talk about it. BBFS is not ok to ask for if the provider does not openly advertise she provides it. Does it go on? A LOT more than you think and definitely more than what is reported, reviews or otherwise. Since BBFS is for the most part still considered taboo in this industry, it is best to keep it on hush hush because if you report a provider did BBFS with you who does not advertise it, then once she gets word, no more BBFS for you from that provider.

I have tried a female condom once with a provider and did not really care for it much as to me it did not feel as good as me wearing the male condom.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Female condoms are good for : small wiener,too big wiener,old wiener,soft wiener & married or used to bbfs wiener...If use correctly...Just a matter of préférences like lifestyle,crown,kimonos etc