waverunner234's Avatar

I'm hungry, think I'll carry this heavy wheelbarrow full of gold over to the farmer, get me some corn and chickens to eat, then when I'm through eating, I'll take my very large f$*king gun over to the farmer and take back my gold and his gold so I can then go get me a glass of fresh, clean water, and once I quench my thirst, I can take my dump truck over to the water store, and use my newly bought tank to take back my gold and the water store gold. Now I have too much gold so I need to find some hungry and thirsty people to drive my fleet of gold carrying dump trucks and to operate my tanks and missile launchers because we are going to go take over the gold mine, the farm and the water store.

The moral of this story is buy up all the gold and hope someone with a bigger f$*cking gun does not come take it as well as all your other resources and assets.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I love fairy tales.