Well I gave SA a shot again.

Got what I think is a long term situation about to start in the local area and two meets set up for a trip this weekend in the Tampa area.

It has definitely taken some work but it seems to pay off. Now just gotta hope it all don't blow up on me because I jinxed myself.
Good luck! What is set up with the locals?
Car payment and some bills. 2x a week and 2 overnights a month.
Wow! Next thing you know she’ll be reading up for that new Mercedes! ��
Ok, I’ve been searching and coming up blank so I’m gonna ask a noob question... What is SA?
Seeking arrangements
Wow! Next thing you know she’ll be reading up for that new Mercedes! �� Originally Posted by nigelpilot
LOL naw. Her car is toast. Actually wants me to help her find one this time so she doesn't get screwed over. Purchase is all on her though and what she can finance.
SDM is better than SA
hooperstatus's Avatar
What makes it better? Never heard of it. I’ll gladly convert if it’s worth it.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
SDM ? Originally Posted by Pcolaman39

I actually have an active sub to SDM. I've had several conversations with women on there. Just none seem to be interested in "hooking up".... some don't even want to meet in person.... but yet, they still want an allowance. lol
Well, I didn't jinx it. Had 2 meets in Tampa this weekend. If one of em lived in this area I would be a broke SOB. Damn girl would be off the market.