New Experience or Known Experience

If you have limited budget and time do you prefer to see a new lady, or someone you have seen before and already know? I am conflicted - there are so many beautiful women out there, but don't have the time to see all I would want to. On the other hand, I have met a couple women who I really enjoy seeing, know I have a great time with, and look forward to our next encounter. Just curious how others approach this dilema.
dj8rocks's Avatar
I do some of both. Most of the time, I stick with the ladies I already know and have established comfort with. On occasion, after proper research, I will reach out to a new lady that sparks my interest. It kinda goes back to the analogy of
“ a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”
Smpslt7's Avatar
I too am conflicted. I have 5-6 favorites that I would love to see again and again. But there are also those I have not yet met that I want to meet. Time and patience I guess are the keys.
Mature Companion's Avatar
The hobby is about no strings attached, fun.
Getting out there and unleashing your inhibitions and enjoying yourself.

Stop fretting about who,what, when etc. Get off the damn fence and go hobby.
Don't worry about how the other guys hobby. You do you.
Ya'll are wasting your own hobby time by thinking too damn much about the petty aspect.
You only live life once. And this adult lifestyle is meant for you to enjoy yourself. Not put yourself in a box thinking and fretting about whom to enjoy. Seriously men. Really??

If I had a dick between my legs. And I was hobbying. I wouldn't waste my time asking other men what they'd be doing. Just get the fuck out there and have a grand ol' time. Before time passes you by and you chicken shit out.

Yeah. I said that. With much love!:0)
rexdutchman's Avatar
New experiences , the known is like GF or married my be just me I don't know ,,,,
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 07-05-2018, 01:48 PM
Research suggests that the answer depends on the rate of consumption. In three well documented experiments, we find that, whereas a variety of stimuli is preferred to repetition of even a better-liked single stimulus when consumption is continuous, this preference reverses when the satiation associated with repetition is reduced by slowing down the rate of consumption.

In other words, if you like to fuck often, new experiences may be preferred whereas rare fucking likes the same sure thing. Also, your atf becomes part of variety if you haven't seen her in some time.

This holds true for me.