I could post a question asking how to connect 2 dots with a straight line. A few folks may respond with information on how to do it.
But before the thread finally dies, most of the responses will be about “Why would you want to do that?” “ That’s so stupid.”“ You would have to be an idiot to do that.” “What a dad idea”Followed by posts fighting between members with no relevance at all to the original post.
Why? Why the compulsion to make off topic, worthless responses? If you don’t like the original idea, make your own thread discussing the pros and cons of drawing a line between 2 dots. Don’t clutter up the original post so that those who want to know or care to contribute can in a positive way.
In part, I think some just cannot help it because they have to seem like they know it all. They cannot accept some may wish to do things different than them. Or that others may have an idea they did not come up with. And some are just assholes who like to fuck things up for others.Maybe their last original thought was to get out of bed today and they are jealous.Who knows?
Yes, I know there is no way to really stop it.There are not enough mods to ever be able to really control it. If they did, the number of posts would drop in half over night. Then a lot less work for the mods. Hmm…
Sometimes I wish there was a forum where the OP could boot people off their own thread and remove off topic content. Everyone would know the OP could have those powers on their own thread so no outcries of censorship. Of course, most threads would be about one page long and with no drama interest would dry up quickly.
Ah well, I doubt it will ever get better.