Text messages suck (the bad way)

chichisito's Avatar
Consider me old fashioned (probably just old) but I find really annoying that some of the providers and at least one agency insist in communicating with text messages. I don't have time to go back an forth with hundreds of text messages to schedule an appointment (I have a life).

In addition, there is the concern of leaving a record of your communication at the phone company and the fact that it may not be the person you are intending to communicate (what if LE busts a provider or an agency owner and confiscates his/her phone or what if the jealous boyfriend that didn't know that he sweetie was providing decides to grab the phone).

Personally, I don't think that anything beats the human touch of someone answering the phone. After a couple of negative experiences, I don't think I'll ever try to schedule again something with someone who prepares text as a way of communication.
texting is the preferred way for young people to communicate. basically they are used to instant messaging on their computer so this is the same. also these girls can text to you and not talk out loud in mixed company.

my suggestion would be to seek older providers, as older people in general aren't "hooked" on texting. hope this helps.
Chic - I certainly agree with a lot you said. Many of the providers use it as a communication firewall so to speak. When I hate it most is when I'm lost or need directions. The last thing I wanna do is spending 10 minutes trying to iron out the details via text while I'm burning gas trying to stay cool. Sometimes I just wanna say "PICK UP THE FUKING PHONE"!!
blenderhead's Avatar
Texting sucks, but mostly because I use a cheap hobby phone with a tiny screen and keyboard. Calling doesn't work for me because I normally have people around me when I schedule sessions. The only time I call is to get the room number, otherwise it's email all the way unless the provider insists on talking on the phone first (which has only happened once).
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
Texting allows me to communicate at the office
Smart's Avatar
  • Smart
  • 08-01-2010, 09:55 PM
Texting is the A+ way to get my hobby bucks. If a girl isn't comfortable texting with me, I'll often pass, even if she's better/more affordable than a texter.

As someone that has not only a job in a room full of people (and you can't go out in the hallway to schedule a session to fuck for money, really), but has TWO roommates in a tiny ass apartment, my willingness to communicate via talking on the phone is pretty much zero.

I'll send e-mails here and there, and I'll PM on here, but without texting, I would NOT be hobbying.

Then again, as a kid whose been using AOL/AIM as a primary form of communication with friends since I was like 8...
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
I prefer to text for many reasons. On my voice mail greeting, however, I do mention that I prefer to text. I also state that if the caller would rather that I call them back directly to let me know and that I will do so as soon as possible. That is my preferred method so I am always grateful when clients are agreeable to communicating via text. I also prefer that initial appts are requested via PM, email, P411, and/or thru my website. I prefer to screen the client BEFORE talking on the phone and have reasons for that preference as well. I, too, have a life and there is nothing more aggravating than a potential client wanting me to have a "get-to-know-you conversation" prior to scheduling, asking the wrong questions, asking me to "tell a little about myself" to him, etc. I am also usually doing several other things so communication via text messaging helps when trying to "multi-task".

I DO, however, understand when the need for a phone call is important such as when a client is lost and needs directions as CM mentioned so try to make a point to be aware of such situations...learning from past experiences.

I also understand the concern about who could be on the other end of the text as it works both ways. I guess everyone has their own preferences and that's okay. If I have a potential client who is very against communicating via text, though, I would prefer that they tell me so and perhaps we can work it out.... I don't know until you tell me and as I am quite sure I am not the provider to which you are referring, I DO know that I have had issues with it in the past so just ask that you tell me. I try to respect your wishes and reasons for your preferred methods just as I would like you to respect mine. This is supposed to be fun and I, for one, am willing to work on my end to making sure it stays that way.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Texting is a pain on a crappy hobby phone. I suggest getting google voice to anyone who is sick of having two phones. I use it as my hobby phone on my iPhone and now texting is a breeze. But when I had my old phone it would drive me crazy when clients would text, so I get it.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
My main gripe with regard to text-messaging is simply this: I lead an extraordinarily busy life. I don't have the time or the patience that it takes to conduct a 45minute series of ping-ponging text-messages when a simple 30 second phone conversation would have accomplished the same damned thing.

And you wanna know what else? and this just pisses me off. You always get a text-message at the most inopportune time. It never fails. And how about the fuck stick that can't appear to get the memo that you aren't available to "text pong" at that particular moment because, shit I don't know, maybe you MIGHT BE DRIVING AN AUTOMOBILE or something more appealing than using a telephone as a god damn typewriter.

In the time it takes me to text "can't text right now. I'm in traffic" I could have arranged for seventeen fucking appointments, stopped and got a bottle of crown, showered, and turned back the sheets if people would just use the mutha' fucking device for it's original purpose.........CALL!!!!

Damn, that sounded way angry. I guess it's safe to say that I am not a very big fan of text-messaging at fucking all.


for me it can be good or bad. i sure hate the time when i was in a hotel lobby and i needed the room number, she knew i was there yet she did not answer for several minutes then i get a text saying to call this number for a voice message. so i do. that sucked because now that number was on my text.

the purpose of the call or text for me is to schedule not to chit chat, so i like to be direct and to the point not chat or ask you to "tell me about yourself" i already know enough of what i need to know.

i will say this for the one that had me wait it out in the lobby for almost 20 minutes past the scheduled time did allow me to go way past our time, but for what happened and having to wait i will not pay them a 2nd visit.

GneissGuy's Avatar
Phone vs. text should be at the discretion of the client. Yes, the client may have to wait until it's convenient to phone vs. text. If it's just before the appointment, the lady should be available for phone contact.

We're not mentioning the elephant in the room.

Many of the ladies want you to text instead of phone because you're not texting with the lady, you're texting with her PIMP!
harkontume's Avatar
(Many of the ladies want you to text instead of phone because you're not texting with the lady, you're texting with her PIMP! __________________
Be Gneiss Gnow....)

hmmm ... keen observation. And maybe so.

But for most ( imho) of the Ladies on this board I dont think so.

However, an " Agency" is a Pimp substitute. A business partner without the bling and the cady and the big fur hat!
We're not mentioning the elephant in the room.

Many of the ladies want you to text instead of phone because you're not texting with the lady, you're texting with her PIMP! Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes sense. If not a pimp, maybe a friend helping with scheduling. I guess you can't always be sure of who you are conversing with via text, email, or even the phone (in some instances).

But for most (imho) of the Ladies on this board I dont think so. Originally Posted by harkontume
I want to believe this. What leads you to this belief?
Budman's Avatar
My main gripe with regard to text-messaging is simply this: I lead an extraordinarily busy life. I don't have the time or the patience that it takes to conduct a 45minute series of ping-ponging text-messages when a simple 30 second phone conversation would have accomplished the same damned thing.

And you wanna know what else? and this just pisses me off. You always get a text-message at the most inopportune time. It never fails. And how about the fuck stick that can't appear to get the memo that you aren't available to "text pong" at that particular moment because, shit I don't know, maybe you MIGHT BE DRIVING AN AUTOMOBILE or something more appealing than using a telephone as a god damn typewriter.

In the time it takes me to text "can't text right now. I'm in traffic" I could have arranged for seventeen fucking appointments, stopped and got a bottle of crown, showered, and turned back the sheets if people would just use the mutha' fucking device for it's original purpose.........CALL!!!!

Damn, that sounded way angry. I guess it's safe to say that I am not a very big fan of text-messaging at fucking all.


. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

AMEN Brother King
GneissGuy's Avatar
I have no problem with a scheduler, friend, agency owner, or even her pimp answering text messages as long as I know ahead of time I'm not texting with the lady herself.

It's the same as the phone. If the person answering the phone says, "hello, this is Mary" and it's not the Mary I'm going to meet face to face, it's a problem.