Remember how the advocates of Obamacare said it would reduce the number of expensive emergency room visits because there’d be fewer uninsured people? Of course you knew the opposite would happen. From today’s Wall Street Journal:
Emergency-room visits continued to climb in the second year of the Affordable Care Act, contradicting the law’s supporters who had predicted a decline in traffic as more people gained access to doctors and other health-care providers.

A survey of 2,098 emergency-room doctors conducted in March showed about three-quarters said visits had risen since January 2014. That was a significant uptick from a year earlier, when less than half of doctors surveyed reported an increase. . .

“There was a grand theory the law would reduce ER visits,” said Dr. Howard Mell, a spokesman for ACEP. “Well, guess what, it hasn’t happened. Visits are going up despite the ACA, and in a lot of cases because of it.”
12blue4u's Avatar
Without the Affordable Care Act I would have to have been a charity case for heart surgery.As I work for myself and not a company where you have access to group plans I was able to get coverage. That was something totally out of the question before due to preexisting conditions. I have among other things Trigeminal Neuralgia which classifies me as an epileptic.
So instead of being a charity case I paid my premiums got my surgery and life goes on.

I have not read the article but the bigger question should be are these emergency visits now being paid for vs picked up by the hospitals. If they are being paid the hospital should be pretty happy.

You can take away my Obamacare when you take away my glock.
You still are a charity case. Who do you think is paying for your healthcare...Your premiums (deductible) aren't covering the costs.

Like you, I am self employed. I had Blue Cross coverage I liked. It was a PPO, $2,000 deductible and cost me $300 per month. That same policy now cost me $650 a month and has a $6,000 deductible.

Without the Affordable Care Act I would have to have been a charity case for heart surgery.As I work for myself and not a company where you have access to group plans I was able to get coverage. That was something totally out of the question before due to preexisting conditions. I have among other things Trigeminal Neuralgia which classifies me as an epileptic.
So instead of being a charity case I paid my premiums got my surgery and life goes on.

I have not read the article but the bigger question should be are these emergency visits now being paid for vs picked up by the hospitals. If they are being paid the hospital should be pretty happy.

You can take away my Obamacare when you take away my glock. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's great for some but the rest of us pay or it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You still are a charity case. Who do you think is paying for your healthcare...Your premiums (deductible) aren't paying for it.

Like you, I am self employed. I had Blue Cross coverage I liked. It was a PPO, $2,000 deductible and cost me $300 per month. That same policy now cost me $650 a month and has a $6,000 deductible. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So do you want use to go back to the old system- just be thankful you have coverage- asa pharmacist and now as a clinical pharmacist I see a side that you don't see Whirlaway and trust me- Obamacare isn't perfect but it's far better than the original status quo.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Without the Affordable Care Act I would have to have been a charity case for heart surgery.As I work for myself and not a company where you have access to group plans I was able to get coverage. That was something totally out of the question before due to preexisting conditions. I have among other things Trigeminal Neuralgia which classifies me as an epileptic.
So instead of being a charity case I paid my premiums got my surgery and life goes on.

I have not read the article but the bigger question should be are these emergency visits now being paid for vs picked up by the hospitals. If they are being paid the hospital should be pretty happy.

You can take away my Obamacare when you take away my glock. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
I worked for myself for 25 years. I always had health insurance. I have had pre-existing conditions since childhood. I'm glad you're ok, but you could have had coverage the whole time.
How about the system that Obama promised us?

- If I like my doctor I could keep my doctor.
- If I liked my health insurance plan I could keep it.
- Americans would see premiums go down ($2500)
- Emergency room visits would go down
-A plan that wouldn't add "one dime to our deficits—"either now or in the future.”
-A plan that “will protect Medicare". It doesn't.

How about that system; you know, the system that Obama lied to us about.

Obama care was built on lies by our Liar In Chief. It should be scraped and rebuilt from the ground up.

Why should I "trust" what you say; you and Obama believe the lies are for the better good.

So do you want use to go back to the old system- just be thankful you have coverage- asa pharmacist and now as a clinical pharmacist I see a side that you don't see Whirlaway and trust me- Obamacare isn't perfect but it's far better than the original status quo. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Budman's Avatar
So do you want use to go back to the old system- just be thankful you have coverage- asa pharmacist and now as a clinical pharmacist I see a side that you don't see Whirlaway and trust me- Obamacare isn't perfect but it's far better than the original status quo. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Is that a joke? Pretty funny.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I worked for myself for 25 years. I always had health insurance. I have had pre-existing conditions since childhood. I'm glad you're ok, but you could have had coverage the whole time. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Did you have a diagnosis of retardation or should I say mental impairment????
wellendowed1911's Avatar
How about the system that Obama promised us?

- If I like my doctor I could keep my doctor.
- If I liked my health insurance plan I could keep it.
- Americans would see premiums go down ($2500)
- Emergency room visits would go down
-A plan that wouldn't add "one dime to our deficits—"either now or in the future.”
-A plan that “will protect Medicare". It doesn't.

How about that system; you know, the system that Obama lied to us about.

Obama care was built on lies by our Liar In Chief. It should be scraped and rebuilt from the ground up.

Why should I "trust" what you say; you and Obama believe the lies are for the better good. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlaway name a political promise by a POTUS that happened exactly as planned??? I rest my case. - You didn't answer my question is it better than the old standard?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Is that a joke? Pretty funny. Originally Posted by Budman
Go fuck off- you racist POS!!!
How about the system that Obama promised us?

- If I like my doctor I could keep my doctor.Still seeing the same drs
- If I liked my health insurance plan I could keep it.still have my plan
- Americans would see premiums go down ($2500)premium went down
- Emergency room visits would go down
-A plan that wouldn't add "one dime to our deficits—"either now or in the future.”
-A plan that “will protect Medicare". It doesn't.

How about that system; you know, the system that Obama lied to us about.

Obama care was built on lies by our Liar In Chief. It should be scraped and rebuilt from the ground up.

Why should I "trust" what you say; you and Obama believe the lies are for the better good. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Some lies are for the better. Like when people don't tell you how they really feel about you.
Without the Affordable Care Act I would have to have been a charity case for heart surgery.As I work for myself and not a company where you have access to group plans I was able to get coverage. That was something totally out of the question before due to preexisting conditions. I have among other things Trigeminal Neuralgia which classifies me as an epileptic.
So instead of being a charity case I paid my premiums got my surgery and life goes on.

I have not read the article but the bigger question should be are these emergency visits now being paid for vs picked up by the hospitals. If they are being paid the hospital should be pretty happy.

You can take away my Obamacare when you take away my glock. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
Nobody wants your Obamacare, but you Glock might be a different story.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
How about the system that Obama promised us?

- If I like my doctor I could keep my doctor.
- If I liked my health insurance plan I could keep it.
- Americans would see premiums go down ($2500)
- Emergency room visits would go down
-A plan that wouldn't add "one dime to our deficits—"either now or in the future.”
-A plan that “will protect Medicare". It doesn't.

How about that system; you know, the system that Obama lied to us about.

Obama care was built on lies by our Liar In Chief. It should be scraped and rebuilt from the ground up.

Why should I "trust" what you say; you and Obama believe the lies are for the better good. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
New Health Insurance Marketplaces (AKA Exchanges) allow shoppers to compare Health Plans that count as minimum essential coverage and include all new benefits, rights and protections.

• Cost assistance is available to individuals, families and small businesses through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

• Medicaid eligibility is expanded in 26 states to 138% of the federal poverty level giving millions of Americans access to healthcare.

• Large employers must offer coverage to full-time workers by 2015/2016.

• No annual or lifetime limits on healthcare.

• All major medical insurance is guaranteed issue, meaning you can’t be denied coverage for any reason.

• You can’t be charged more based on health status or gender.

• Insurance companies can’t drop you when you are sick or for making a mistake on your application.

• You can’t be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

• The 80/20 rule and rate review provision help to keep insurers honest and keep rates down.

• You have the right to quickly appeal any health insurance company decision.

• You have the right to get an easy-to-understand summary about a health plan’s benefits and coverage.

• Young Adults can stay on their parent’s plan until 26.

• A large improvement to women’s health services, including many new free preventive treatments and screenings.

• Reforms to the healthcare industry to cut wasteful spending.

• Better care and protections for seniors.

• New preventative services at no-out-of pocket costs
New Health Insurance Marketplaces (AKA Exchanges) allow shoppers to compare Health Plans that count as minimum essential coverage and include all new benefits, rights and protections.

• Cost assistance is available to individuals, families and small businesses through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

• Medicaid eligibility is expanded in 26 states to 138% of the federal poverty level giving millions of Americans access to healthcare.

• Large employers must offer coverage to full-time workers by 2015/2016.

• No annual or lifetime limits on healthcare.

• All major medical insurance is guaranteed issue, meaning you can’t be denied coverage for any reason.

• You can’t be charged more based on health status or gender.

• Insurance companies can’t drop you when you are sick or for making a mistake on your application.

• You can’t be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

• The 80/20 rule and rate review provision help to keep insurers honest and keep rates down.

• You have the right to quickly appeal any health insurance company decision.

• You have the right to get an easy-to-understand summary about a health plan’s benefits and coverage.

• Young Adults can stay on their parent’s plan until 26.

• A large improvement to women’s health services, including many new free preventive treatments and screenings.

• Reforms to the healthcare industry to cut wasteful spending.

• Better care and protections for seniors.

• New preventative services at no-out-of pocket costs Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Don't try and reason with him. He doesn't see the long-term goal here, which is a healthier society, which results in less costs down the road. He's content with the status quo, like his republitard brethren. Why improve or change anything, when we can just keep the same shit going.