I AM SO pissed WTF

Seeskylar's Avatar
So everyone knows how much I love FC2 well for some odd reason they are not to be found anywhere in Houston. I found them online 1 single 14.99 then 3pack anywhere from $48-75. I found them on Amazon 12 for $175 wtf and the rate goes up and up and up. If I would have known this now I would of saved mine and sold them on offer up or 5mile for an arm and leg LMFAO. I finally ordered some after two weeks of online debate shopping. Just makes me so PISSED off that something that is safer than regular condom is way over priced.
In Austin, they give those away for free at the community health clinics where I'd go to get tested. You might try to see if they do that in your county as well.

Now, inquiring minds wanna know, how the heck do those things stay in place?!
  • pxmcc
  • 11-21-2017, 12:55 AM
when you find em, lemme know. i always wanted to try one of those sometime. if her ass happens to be epic, so much the better..

i don't suppose they work well for greek, huh? aw shucks. sometimes an igga can't catch no breaks. Elon Musk should get on that pronto. Could be bigger than electric cars, plus cheaper too..
Seeskylar's Avatar
lol I fly my own space mobile lol
Target has them, 24 Ct for 38.99
RyanFromTER's Avatar
  • pxmcc
  • 11-21-2017, 08:39 AM
^^female condoms 2. not sure about the 2 tho..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
FC2? Originally Posted by RyanFromTER
Female condom..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
^^female condoms 2. not sure about the 2 tho.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Dang pxmmc we said it at the same time..

Good morning..
Landryhat's Avatar
79% effective?
Zip loc sandwich bag wouldnt work?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Too small
Im curious how it feels
LexusLover's Avatar
Try puttin' a brisket in one of those plastic grocery bags.
Yeah you BSC