The "A" Spot?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I just heard of this term a few weeks ago and really don't know anything about it. Found an article about it and it really doesn't tell me much, honestly.

"The A-Spot, AFE-zone or Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone. Also referred to as the Epicentre, this is a patch of sensitive tissue at the inner end of the vaginal tube between the cervix and the bladder, described technically as the 'female degenerated prostate'. (In other words, it is the female equivalent of the male prostate, just as the clitoris is the female equivalent of the male penis.) Direct stimulation of this spot can produce violent orgasmic contractions. Unlike the clitoris, it is not supposed to suffer from post-orgasmic over-sensitivity.

Its existence was reported by a Malaysian physician in Kuala Lumpur as recently as the 1990s. There has been some mis-reporting about it, and its precise position has been incorrectly described by several writers. Its true location is just above the cervix, at the innermost point of the vagina. The cervix of the uterus is the narrow part that protrudes slightly into the vagina, leaving a circular recess around itself. The front part of this recess is called the anterior fornix. Pressure on it produces rapid lubrication of the vagina, even in women who are not normally sexually responsive. It is now possible to buy a special AFE vibrator – long thin and upward curved at its end, to probe this zone."

Have any of you heard of it? Found it? Like to play there?


am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Yes. I've heard of it and played with it. One lady I was with loved it and would squirt when I played there. But she squirted when I hit other spots as well. When a guy finds the "A" spot, you will know. Seems like few guys really know all the spots and how to touch them for maximum pleasure for a lady.

I take care when playing around the cervix. Some ladies are more sensitive there than others. Running my finger around it, sometimes a little into the openning. Seems like ladies enjoy all the sensations when the spots are stimulated to her pleasure.
I have always thought that thr "g" spot was the female equivalent of the male prostate, and we all know it is closer to the vaginal opening than the cervix, but I am very curious. I know that proper stimulation of the g spot induces squirting, and am curious to know about a different spot.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Since my life is fairly boring and straight forward unless I'm having sex with interesting men for money, I read a lot of books about sexuality and the such.

And yes. I only thought there was one spot that was regularly discussed, the G one. It wasn't until I got this book the other week, "Forbidden Knowledge SEX:101 Sensual acts NOT everyone should know how to do" by Clare Bailey (hilarious book, btw) that I heard of this A spot.

And there isn't much information out there about this area, from what I gather, except that there are more areas inside of a woman to explore than I had previously thought.

Shame on me. I need to do more hands-on research, obviously.

am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Yes, the g-spot can induce orgasm and squirting. The a-spot can too. All the spots need the right touch and stimulation. The a-spot is where Elizabeth described. There's another spot around the clit. Another can be found inside the vagina towards the anus. It can be stimulated vaginally or anally.

I love it when a lady discovers new stimulation for herself.

Crap, I'm sharing my secrets.
mikahranae's Avatar
I have only squirted once and I believe the gentleman hit my "A" spot. I haven't been able to do it since then and he lives in Austin. Sucks.
PT-109's Avatar
Since my life is fairly boring and straight forward unless I'm having sex with interesting men for money, Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
That's funny.
pyramider's Avatar
G spot, A spot, have to be urban myths created by evil women, like ElisabethWhispers, to torment men.
Torito's Avatar
I just heard of this term a few weeks ago and really don't know anything about it. Found an article about it and it really doesn't tell me much, honestly.

"The A-Spot, AFE-zone or Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone.

Have any of you heard of it? Found it? Like to play there?


Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Never heard of it. Found it by accident with my two favorites after I had been seeing each for long time. Love to play there, but not with fingers.

When I hit that spot, the insanity and religous services begin. I think I have more fun then they do, just watching the show.

Black Sedan's Avatar

I think this explains how I was able to show my ex-wife that it was possible for her to have multiple orgasms. I'm pretty sure the A-spot is where I'd get her for seconds and thirds. I'd never heard described before.

I'd take issue that the "tool" has to be thin, but I'm sure it depends on the lady and the position.

am-a-pleaser: Did you mean you sometimes poke your finger INTO the cervix? 1. Um, long fingers, sir! 2. Really? I've always assume that'd be a no-no of pain.

About that spot between the anus and the vagina. I had almost forgotten... that's a magic button orgasm*for her during anal, with the right manipulation just inside her. Thanks again.
"Vaginal tube" is such an unflattering sounding pair of words.
"Vaginal tube" is such an unflattering sounding pair of words. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Totally agree, unflatering and kind of clinical, but still sounds like something one would want to have coitus with.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar

am-a-pleaser: Did you mean you sometimes poke your finger INTO the cervix? 1. Um, long fingers, sir! 2. Really? I've always assume that'd be a no-no of pain.
Originally Posted by Black Sedan
No, not into the opening. (Although I did have one gf who liked me to put my finger in about 1/4".) At the opening just enough to feel it with a fingertip. Massaging the outer cervix tissue in a cicular motion. The cervix will react to the touch. Some women are very sensitive, so go very easy.
Black Sedan's Avatar
No, not into the opening. (Although I did have one gf who liked me to put my finger in about 1/4".) At the opening just enough to feel it with a fingertip. Massaging the outer cervix tissue in a circular motion. The cervix will react to the touch. Some women are very sensitive, so go very easy. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
That makes a LOT more sense. I've never run into a woman that wanted me to poke the cervix directly head-on with Mr. Willy or anything else.

But if there's one that likes penetration, there's more. I'll have to experiment =)
I have only squirted once and I believe the gentleman hit my "A" spot. I haven't been able to do it since then and he lives in Austin. Sucks. Originally Posted by mikahranae
All you need is a persistent guy that is willing to experiment!



Sorry to resuscitate this post but.... I've actually read up quite a bit on all of this before. There are quite a few other spots. U spot and T spot. The best order to focus on though for intensity is Clit-then G spot- then A spot, supposedly...... but yes once you've "trained" that A spot everything is better.