Satire Run Amuck - or - Tasteless Humor

Interesting post on Huf.

Please substitute the x's for huffingtonpost


John Bull's Avatar
Ms. Hanna
I've edited the url to include huffington post. It's alright to place url's in your post as long as they aren't to competing sites. As it happens, the faux url with the xxx would have sent members to a sex site known for taking over computers with lots of annoying popups.
Welcome to our little playpen.
My good Sir, how gracious of you - thank you

Thank you as well for correcting my error.

One of the best jobs I ever had, must have been the worst for an atmosphere of inappropriate humor. HR used to pass around sexual harassment policies for us to sign monthly. We entered into the spirit of the thing by competing to come up with the best (read: most sexually harassing) signature - Count Suckula, Harry Humpterdog, Deborah VanCock. Reduced her to tears one month, poor gal, but the owner had to explain to her that he couldn't exactly fire all of us.

One person's sacred cow is another's juicy flame-broiled burger.