not even smart enough to use a different name. Who names themselves after a provider. Lady you suck at this bad, looks like you were going to use that name for yourself then you said "hey why not post a review" without even thinking let me use a new name. Either that or you are the biggest wight knight ever to name yourself like that. What have you to say for yourself?
You're a chick
let us know what it might be
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In response to your request it was not I that wrote the latest review on me. It is just a funny coincidence that he used the same suffix 4U . I am sorry for you that you have such in your life that you are suspicious of such a thing. MR. SWEETR4U drove a good ways across Texas to see me and planned several hours to be able to enjoy himself to the fullest. I believe he did. I don't know what the options are for rates when creating a review so I don't know why he didn't post the exact amount. I am reasonable. If you were to view my reviews on here and other sites and then you would learn a lil about me and one thing is NO BS ever. I am low key. I don't often post ads... because I don't need to. As my friend had said I am too busy seeing some wonderful folks already! Yay!
If he didn't wish to post what he gifted I don't mind. He did say he welcomed your constructive criticism.
And BIG THANKS to all who had my back, you all rock! You just may get a "special" next time I see you. Kisses!!! Lynda