EP Police article regarding Prostitution

Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
In PHX they do city wide stings every 6months and gotta do a mandatory 15days in Tent City or do a Rehabilitation Class for 9months every week day for 6-8hrs!
But do stings every day in a diff city, they say they target underage girls and pimps... But in all honesty they go after well known highly reviewed ver y Indy girls even ones in their 30s - 50s get busted in PHX... its all for show really...
Also every 20busts a cop gets $500 on his next pay check... They are on it in PHX...

So this is the first and mild step to what it could be, Like it is in PHX :/ Hope EP never gets to where PHX is!!!!!
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
The title to the article is misleading to say the least. There is nothing in the article about any increase in stings. It is about possible local funding for a pre-trial diversion program so that those arrested as prostitutes could avoid a conviction by participating in the program. Like the DWI and drug courts presently in EP county, it is a way to lessen the criminal exposure for those involved. There is nothing here about any increased policing, only about a possibly more sane way to deal with the legal issues involved.
I don't disagree that there will always be stings for show purposes. But this article is not about that.
Oh Don Piano's Avatar
I like how in ten months, EP county mounties managed a whopping nine arrests. HOLY DOGSHIT, NINE ARRESTS!!! The citizens of El Paso county can sleep well at night knowing that the prostitutes who used to walk the street and are now advertising on the internet, are no longer advertising on the internet.
The title to the article is misleading to say the least. There is nothing in the article about any increase in stings. It is about possible local funding for a pre-trial diversion program so that those arrested as prostitutes could avoid a conviction by participating in the program. Like the DWI and drug courts presently in EP county, it is a way to lessen the criminal exposure for those involved. There is nothing here about any increased policing, only about a possibly more sane way to deal with the legal issues involved.
I don't disagree that there will always be stings for show purposes. But this article is not about that. Originally Posted by Blue Moon Man
Thats how it started in PHX at first, there was the diversion programs ( now called Project Rose ), it took awhile for the funding for it to become big like it is now! It took ASU getting involved for the funding to actually be there, by the time funding came thats when PHX was at its all time high for girls on the streets and the internet... There was actually a few rescued girls and under age girls and so called pimps busted at first, now they go after everyone to show that the program "work" and "saving" us providers...
Im not saying EP is going to get to where PHX is now, it will take a lot longer for it to get that bad as only a few arrests have happened in 10months lol but its how PHX started...