need help with credit repair

Does anyone know how to repair credit.... Omg.... My credit is the worst and I have never had a credit card smh... Please pm me...
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May have to go into details.
Do you have bad credit or no credit?

Get a credit report and find out what it is that is making it bad.
If it is no credit then get a secured loan and pay it back. (you give them 500 in secured money and they give you a loan for 500)

If it is bad credit due to no income then start filing your taxes. No income means you can't get credit because you have nothing to pay it back.

I could have 100,000 in cash with no income and I would have bad credit.
It's bad credit mainly because of hospital bills and a student loan.... I can't get a loan of any kind they all deny me.
Get copies of your credit reports all 3 bureaus and make sure all of them are accurate. If you see any debts on any of your reports dispute the debts. The bureaus have 30 days to verify or remove. Get you a secured cc through capital 1 and start building your credit. I would not advice a loan right now, you might not be able to get one anyway. The secured card will help you and you can increase the amount you put on the card. If you take care of that card capital one will eventually give you an unsecured card but just know your situation is no it a quick fix if done the right way but it can be repaired. Does not matter if the debts are yours they have to prove it. Make arrangements on the student loans which will look good and be listed as an installment loan on your credit reports. How do I I know these things? I use to repair credit .