Ich habe die Zukunft gesehen [I have seen the future]....

Dorian Gray's Avatar
und es ist HBE (Hover-Brett Erfahrung)
Wer ist, diese zu ihrem Menü?
[& it's HBE(HoverBoard Experience
Who is adding this to their menu?]

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pyramider's Avatar
There is no taint?
Bring a fire extinguisher.

insert funny gif here
Dorian Gray's Avatar
There is no taint? Originally Posted by pyramider
This shit is so.... Last week.....
Whoa! Impeccable balance and coordination..
Whoa! Impeccable balance and coordination.. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Yeah, that is impressive.

Slitlikr's Avatar
Looks like a junglemonkey move!
Now i understand why Hoverboards catch fire or explode.
und es ist HBE (Hover-Brett Erfahrung)
Wer ist, diese zu ihrem Menü?
[& it's HBE(HoverBoard Experience
Who is adding this to their menu?]

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Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
This is the future dude.
Looks like a junglemonkey move! Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Nah - he's got more stylin socks.
dtymh55's Avatar
und es ist HBE (Hover-Brett Erfahrung)
Wer ist, diese zu ihrem Menü?
[& it's HBE(HoverBoard Experience
Who is adding this to their menu?]

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[Click .gif for video]

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Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Have Lifeflight on standby.!
Dorian Gray's Avatar