ABD expects something for nothing!!!

here is an interesting tale of getting only 50$ for the hour and 20 minutes how the hell do u explain that!! i have set up appts with him in the past and had to unfortunately reschedule i tried to make it up to him and offer him a discount and he kept threatening me with this NCNS bullshit and try to ruin my career but instead of a discount he wants a freebie so today i was with ABD for $50 well he paid for the room since he wouldnt come to my incall thank goodness he couldnt get off at least he paid not to get a nut!!!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
See ... if you had given him a really wet, sloppy bbbj... he probably would have tipped more than the standard fee and been happy...
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
I was wondering why all the activities were listed but he didnt pay! Wow that sucks babe sorry that happened to you! If you did the entire session why were you not compensated? I dont recall you not paying because of misunderstandings. We'd be flamed if we took the cash and didn't provide!!! WTF is goin on here lately
  • anita
  • 09-17-2010, 12:46 AM
Wow....you know that is bs right? Well at least no nut. You not happy because of such small donation = he leaving with no smile on his face lol
oilfieldscum's Avatar
All this drama is definately not a providers friend.
Mojojo's Avatar
Sorry to hear this. There are always 2 sides to a story and im glad you put yours out there so people dont misjudge you or make decisions based on 1 side.
He claims you offered a freebie and he has the text to prove it. In my opinion (and my line of work) you make a offer like that and you gotta own up to it. I think it was not necessary to make such an extravagant offer. Knock $50 - $100 off and I'm sure he would have been happy. But the deal was what it was.

And I don't think that part of the situation is your biggest problem. Most guys and get passed a difference of opinion or a mis-communication. Your biggest problem is sending your driver to intimidate the guy. No body needs that.
The best way to play this game is not to play at all. You have plenty of WKs doing your fighting for you both in and out of the LR. I'd let it go.
Mojojo's Avatar
He claims you offered a freebie and he has the text to prove it. In my opinion (and my line of work) you make a offer like that and you gotta own up to it. I think it was not necessary to make such an extravagant offer. Knock $50 - $100 off and I'm sure he would have been happy. But the deal was what it was.

And I don't think that part of the situation is your biggest problem. Most guys and get passed a difference of opinion or a mis-communication. Your biggest problem is sending your driver to intimidate the guy. No body needs that. Originally Posted by hardwood
Did he show you the text message? There is no way you can believe something like that 100% without having to see it (not to discredit the reviewer). As far as the driver is concerned that's questionable, there may or may have not been a driver involved I was not there so I do not know but I will take that into consideration so thanks to the reviewer for that.

His review like her rebuttal is only information you can use to make an informed decision when considering an appointment.

The best way to play this game is not to play at all. You have plenty of WKs doing your fighting for you both in and out of the LR. I'd let it go. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I agree with Ender just keep doing what your doing. If you are providing great service it will show in due time.
dearhunter's Avatar
I'd let it go. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Where would the fun be in that?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Where would the fun be in that? Originally Posted by dearhunter

All up in the profit gained.
dearhunter's Avatar
All up in the profit gained. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Oh, he meant her gain.............that is kind of boring.........don't you thinck?
Just4Hobby's Avatar
I found this thread after enderwiggin posted on the review, accused me of several things including speculation and leaking private information and then told me to just let it go. What a guy! If I were to do the same, I would speculate that enderwiggin is adb's WK?

So, enderwiggin, I should just let it go after you made inflamatory accusations?

So, enderwiggin, Sarah should just see her business evaporate and just let it go?

About the situation which I let go on the review unless further provoked there, I would like to play Judge Judy:

[the following are all speculation or fictional and for entertainment purposes only]

Judge: Sarah, did you offer abd service for free to make up for the NCNS?
Sarah: Yes, but only if he come to my area . . .

abd: there, you said it and texted me . . .

Judge: shhh, abd, you will get your turn, do not interrupt. Sarah . . .

Sarah: Judge, I don't have a car since I was in the car accident and I had to go to the hospital and could not make the appointment. How could I possibly offer service for free AND to go across town to abd?

Judge: This made sense, Sarah, I saw your accident report and the hospital admission. I agree. How could you even offer service for free let alone go across town to service him for free? Are you outta your frigging mind (I am the Judge and I can say anything I damn well please). Continue . . .

Sarah: So, I offered a discount if I was going to his neck of the woods (pun intended), a discount from an outcall . . .

abd: that's NOT what you said, I have proof . . .

Judge: one more interruption and you are outta here . . .

Sarah: (sobbing by now) . . . I called and called to get a ride and call in favors to go to him so that he was not going to be mad and write a bad review on me and put me out of business. The traffic was terrible and it took over 1 1/2 hour to get there. My friend who drove me there was telling me not to go and said that this was stupid . . .

Judge: stick to the facts, Sarah, no hear say. Continue.

Sarah: Sorry Judge. But my friend was not happy at all because he had to take time off from work. I said I was going to pay him for the gas and his time to make up for his lost wages. So, we got there and the driver had to wait in the car. It was a hot day even by Houston's standard.

Judge: Stick to relevant facts, Sarah.

Sarah: Sorry Judge. Here is what happened next. {submitted the transcript, . . . details as in ROS of the review}

Judge: Is that true abd?

abd: true except that she agreed to service for free and to come [from way down south] to where I want her [way up north] and she had a DRIVER?

Judge: What is wrong with having a DRIVER? Sarah does not have a car. You want her to walk to you? Was it a taxi driver?

abd: I don't know, judge. I did not open the door.

Judge: Did the DRIVER hurt you, took anything or damage any property?

abd: No . . .

Judge: So, you were just not happy that Sarah accused you of shorting her and you were not happy that someone bigger than you, the DRIVER, dare to knock on the door and ask you for money? Did he ask you for money?

abd: I don't know. I was busy calling Patel or what's his name.

Judge: So, you did not suffer any physical or property damages except perhaps your ego?

abd: Yes, your honor, but . . .

. . . you may make up your own ending in this make believe story. All names and events are fictional and any coincidences are strictly your imagination or the lack of it.

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I have.


[the above is for entertainment purposes only and is entirely fictional. No comments or suggestions will be accepted as I am just letting IT go.

Have a nice day, Y'All.

The best way to play this game is not to play at all. You have plenty of WKs doing your fighting for you both in and out of the LR. I'd let it go. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Sorry to hear your story sarah. I think your mistake is seeing the guy who is asking for a freebie. He is just cheap.
dearhunter's Avatar
Just when I thought this was going to get boring...........J4H comes to the threads rescue............she owes you a freebie for this one, dude.