Definition of CFS...funny story

RG42's Avatar
  • RG42
  • 09-19-2010, 12:27 PM
I drove past a local family-owned (i.e., not a chain) restaurant the other day. The following was posted on their sign:
"CFS x 2 $19.99"

It took me a full 15 sec to clear my head and figure out CFS = chicken fried steak. Have I been hobbying too long?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That's hilarious. Kind of like that thread about going through the toll booth with the sign saying full service lol.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
when I was registering for school in the office there were 2 box labeled CIM requests and the one next to it said COF requests
when I was registering for school in the office there were 2 box labeled CIM requests and the one next to it said COF requests Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
what do those mean (in the civilian/school world)?
That's hilarious. Kind of like that thread about going through the toll booth with the sign saying full service lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Ditto to this. Any time I see anything that says "full service" I immediately think of the hobby....not to mention any time someone uses a seemingly innocuous saying or phrase that could be turned into something dirty if one were so inclined to think that way...which I am.

I have just accepted the fact that I will now be a pervert for life.
boardman's Avatar

I have just accepted the fact that I will now be a pervert for life. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
You say that like it is something to be ashamed of...........
You say that like it is something to be ashamed of........... Originally Posted by boardman
No, not ashamed of....but when you are at a dinner party for your bf's job, and someone says, "cream crackered" (which is british slang for knackered or tired) it is not exactly appropriate to start giggling like a little naughty school boy, lol. Oh, and don't forget "chuffed to bits" (one of my faves!)
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
bullet0's Avatar
There was a long thread on the P about things that remind you of the hobby. A mortgage broker friend talks about GFE (Good Faith Estimate).
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
when I was registering for school in the office there were 2 box labeled CIM requests and the one next to it said COF requests Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
what do those mean (in the civilian/school world)? Originally Posted by coefficient
I am also wondering that. I can't figure them out

CIM = Class introduction manual ... ?

COF = ?
We cant help it...We just want the whole world to be like us...What a better place it would be
tikkler33's Avatar
The following was posted on their sign:
"CFS x 2 $19.99" Originally Posted by RG42
I tried that special once. Wrote an alert about it back on the p.
when I was registering for school in the office there were 2 box labeled CIM requests and the one next to it said COF requests Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Who knows. They might be real deal like appointments to see school cheerleaders. Those teenagers are hornier than anyone of us. Back then, I can easily go through sessions like every hour with or without a girl... See I am sharing...