So what's the big difference between an agency and a pimp?

Killersalt's Avatar
Is't an agency not much more
than a pimp with a website?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-21-2010, 08:21 AM
well I have seen girls that have pimps and I have seen girls that have a girl/guy that says they are an agency.

So far pimps are worthless they dont do their jobs really if they were smarter most pimps could wreak shop and bank even more cash if they did what they need to do. A pimp does not make sure his girls rooms are clean. He does not make sure she is looking good when you get there. Saw a girl a bit ago that had a pimp I saw her many times knew she had the guy get there lady dont have no supplies. If you are a pimp make sure of a few things.

1.Girl looks good-this is your product you need to make it look like I want it is clean-I dont care if you have to make her clean it but just clean it.
3.girl has what she needs-normally I have my own gear but why would you not be sure your girl has what she needs. worthless.
4.You are not around no need to see you. You should be on your job and in the parking lot (in an indiscriminate car) you should both have working phones.

most agency's will work it out better with you. I had this one girl/guy combination agency pimp thing going. always got me some great action at a great price but he became unreliable. But his girls looked good and clean all the time they never gave me any shit and nither did he I talked to the guy would tell him what I wanted. He knew repeat is where the money is even if i get different girl all the time he will be able to make money. I have been told I need to try the latina agencys so will be looking into that soon, that one guy wont send any pics though not even body shots but no one has said anything bad so thats something im looking forward to

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Not much really. Like Trey said. The onlu difference to me seems to be professionalism above all else. An agency is more like a small business owner.... Worried about his employees, the clients & the image of the agency. A pimp is worried about his money, getting more money, and looking like HE has all the money.

But we call the more likeable/professional ones Managers, and the unprofessional ones ect... Pimps.

At least that's my view on it.

As long as we're asking, what's the difference between a pimp and a hobbyist who shares UTRs with other hobbyists?

And should we care?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
As long as we're asking, what's the difference between a pimp and a hobbyist who shares UTRs with other hobbyists?

And should we care? Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Does the Hobbyist get a cut of her fees... if yes ... pimp... if no... hell of a nice guy...

I don't ever remember hearing about a Hobbyist getting beat up by an agency ... not counting Sofia...
Killersalt's Avatar
Does the Hobbyist get a cut of her fees... if yes ... pimp... if no... hell of a nice guy...

I don't ever remember hearing about a Hobbyist getting beat up by an agency ... not counting Sofia... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
So what if Managment of an agency has a big ass feathered hat and a cane?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
So what if Managment of an agency has a big ass feathered hat and a cane? Originally Posted by Killersalt
Leave Kosair out of this...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
As long as we're asking, what's the difference between a pimp and a hobbyist who shares UTRs with other hobbyists?

And should we care? Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Does the Hobbyist get a cut of her fees... if yes ... pimp... if no... hell of a nice guy...

Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
The official definition of a pimp has nothing to do with money. It is simply "one who solicits clients for a prostitute". So by definition a hobbyist sharing/promoting UTR's is a pimp.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
The official definition of a pimp has nothing to do with money. It is simply "one who solicits clients for a prostitute". So by definition a hobbyist sharing/promoting UTR's is a pimp. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Sooo ... writing a good review is a type of pimping?
lizardking's Avatar
It's hard out there for a pimp.

It's easy out there for an agency.

That's the principal difference (along with the hat and cane, of course).
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 09-21-2010, 10:06 AM
Leave Kosair out of this... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Some pirates do wear big hats!
Killersalt's Avatar
Some pirates do wear big hats! Originally Posted by Dad
I guess I can hijack my own thread.....

For the record. I am not kosair. I don't know the guy and have no affiliation with him. Anyone who says anything that can be interpreted being negative to AD, seems to be accused of being Kosair by Rap and MM.

The only thing to support this stupid accusation is that I started a thread containing AD and Sofia quotes, after AD was quite rude and obnoxious to me.

I'd LOVE to see some proof of this, but it simply doesn't exist. I am an old hobbiest, that finally decided to start posting, that's all.

I've ignored MM and Rap posts with the accusations cause they are not worth my time and I could care less what they think.

This is all I gotta say about this, believe me or not, I don't really care. I'm here to get info on ladies and read a "little" drama for entertainment.

I do like pirate movies though, but I would never dress like a pirate.
dearhunter's Avatar
To figure out who you really are, I would have to care.
Killersalt's Avatar
To figure out who you really are, I would have to care. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Bingo! Back to topic, so an agency is essentially a high classed pimp that treats the girls and consumers better.
notanewbie's Avatar
Bingo! Back to topic, so an agency is essentially a high classed pimp that treats the girls and consumers better. Originally Posted by Killersalt
until they leave and then you spread lies, out them to their families and blackmail them for sport.