Fake reviews on EroticMonkey. On Annalise Rossi, no less!

hotrix1's Avatar
Some idiot wrote a review today on one provider who is no longer with us, Annalise Rossi. Caught him red-handed and reported it to EM. But what an ass, to write a fake review is one thing. But to write a fake review of a provider who's passed on is just unconscionable, calloused and downright dirty, lowdown and has got to be the scum-of-the-earth kind of a jackass.

Anyone who knew her knew she was a wonderful human being. Anybody else besides me disgusted and outraged by this?
She was a sweetheart and her passing was very tragic for sure, I am in complete agreement on those points. However, have you considered that this dude is just a fucking idiot? I hate fake reviews but I highly doubt the douchebag knew that she was dead.
hotrix1's Avatar
However, have you considered that this dude is just a fucking idiot? I hate fake reviews but I highly doubt the douchebag knew that she was dead. Originally Posted by Aguyinak
Some idiot wrote a review today on one provider who is no longer with us, Originally Posted by hotrix1
As a matter of fact, I did. As proven above. But this idiot douchebag is a still a complete jackass. Could've at least done research on current providers with recent reviews if he was going just fake a review on somebody. Would have been at least a little more credible. Fucking imbecile!

Glad to see that EM took it down immediately after I reported it though. But just goes to show how these other review sites are full of frauds and scammers.