Family law attorney in DFW area

I'm in need of a family law attorney for an ongoing custody case with my ex husband. I would be willing to exchange services! Please and thank you!
Never exchange services. Find a reputable attorney and pay the bill. Don't trust any attorney who accepts services in lieu of payment. It's unethical and shady. Ask family and friends or call the local bar association for a referral. Good luck.
Just saw this an hour ago and have been trying to find a post I remembered seeing some time ago from ShysterJon. Finally found it:

This seems like excellent advice, like all his posts.
Never exchange services. Find a reputable attorney and pay the bill. Don't trust any attorney who accepts services in lieu of payment. It's unethical and shady. Ask family and friends or call the local bar association for a referral. Good luck. Originally Posted by LimitlessJD
This, I am an attorney and I never do that. Its too risky. Especially in domestic law. Those cases can last years. Just do some extra work and pay your attorney.