Washing a car

When you wash your car, please be sure you wash: the motor, the under carriage, the drive shaft, and the tailpipe. Also hit the chrome and leather with a little bit of Armor All
SlowHand49's Avatar
I always spend extra time on the drive shaft . . .
Gryphon's Avatar
This has my brain going in so many directions I'm getting dizzy.
That is just your brain when it is deprived of oxygen cause of low blood flow!!!!
To all comments

P. S. The drive shaft is my favorite part of a car...just remember that it's very close to the under carriage and tailpipe.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Another great topic by anova!

I'm so glad that I learned how to drive a stick early on. Now, I particularly enjoy shifting gears.

Me too E. W. So much fun. Just not when you're trying to hold an ice cream cone.
DallasRain's Avatar
I can do "many exciting" things while washing a car...lol....

wooohooo great topic babe!!!
LatexLover's Avatar
Lather, rinse, repeat
SlowHand49's Avatar
Lather, rinse, repeat Originally Posted by LatexLover
And then . . . Polish it 'till the sun don't shine . . .
The last time I took a shower with a guy, he kept interrupting me from sucking...it was a nice one too
SlowHand49's Avatar
The last time I took a shower with a guy, he kept interrupting me from sucking...it was a nice one too Originally Posted by anova444
He just didn't want the car wash to end too soon . . .
When you wash your car, please be sure you wash: the motor, the under carriage, the drive shaft, and the tailpipe. Also hit the chrome and leather with a little bit of Armor All Originally Posted by anova444
Be sure to cover it before you put it in the garage.
Be sure to cover it before you put it in the garage. Originally Posted by anova444

Yes, and make sure the garage is well kept, a clean car
in a dirty garage is not a pretty site.