Why my toys are breaking down....

I have had a problem with ,my toys breaking down...I use ID Glide and Wet Platinum...Does anyone know why my silcone toys are becoming sticky? Other toys are turning out like they are melted, to look as though I have laid them down on a hot surface...any ideas?

Oh yes, also I have used astroglide, but not nearly as much as the other two lubes.

SlowHand49's Avatar
This may be stating the obvious, but it sounds like an ingredient in those particular lube brands is reacting in a bad way with the silicon in the toys and "attacking" it in a sort of chemical reaction.

You might look at the fine print on the lube package for any warnings about use with silicone or other materials . . . and consider switching to a different lube . . . One that promises on its package to be safe with silicone, latex, plastic, etc.

Or go organic with something like a natural oil (grapeseed, olive, several others available)
LatexLover's Avatar

Silicone toys should be used with water based based lubricant only if I'm not mistaken silicone on silicone will destroy your toys
oh no...I bet that's what the problem is then. I didn't know. I asked the ladies at the toy store, but they didn't seem to know.
Thanks for the ideas!
SlowHand49's Avatar
Ideas, I have no shortage of . . .
MasterTrucker's Avatar
He is right about the active ingredient in lubes attacking some toys. When you replace them, check the packaging as to the care and cleaning, it should recommend when you should do. And the problem is each toy will be different.
I have been cleaning them off with handsoap, but one of the ladies PM'ed me and said that was a no-no....so I will have to buy some toycleaner!
Hobbyfun's Avatar
if you are making them go in and out to fast that will build up friction and that causes heat they fore you might be melting them.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--hobbyfun...good answer!!

I use toy cleaner or alcohol