Holy Crap! I can't believe this...

I am pro choice but even I am appalled by this...

Philadelphia doctor accused of murdering patient, newborns

"The doctor is accused of causing the death of one of his female patients..."

"The babies were born alive in the sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy, but their spinal cords were allegedly severed with scissors, Williams said in a statement".

Click link to read further: http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/19/...tor/index.html
Iaintliein's Avatar
Agreed. There must be a rule of what is humane, personally, I think first trimester.
Good Lord. When I first started reading this I thought it distressing enough that he was doing this..then I get further down the article and read that he is practically allowing anyone and everyone to get involved..including a 15 year old girl. Harrowing is the word that comes to mind. I feel sick.
What is going on in Philly with these dodgy doctors? This is the second case this week that's hit the headlines..the first being the death of a young woman in a hotel room who had silicone injections. Frightening stuff....
Good Lord. When I first started reading this I thought it distressing enough that he was doing this..then I get further down the article and read that he is practically allowing anyone and everyone to get involved..including a 15 year old girl. Harrowing is the word that comes to mind. I feel sick.
What is going on in Philly with these dodgy doctors? This is the second case this week that's hit the headlines..the first being the death of a young woman in a hotel room who had silicone injections. Frightening stuff.... Originally Posted by Camille

I know! Is it in the air out there? My jaw hit the floor on the the woman who died in that hotel room.

That Philly Doctor needs to be strung up by his toes and held over an open fire to slowly burn...
Serial killer.
This part of the article really stood out to me:

"But a grand jury investigation found that health and licensing officials had received repeated reports about Gosnell's dangerous practices for two decades with no action taken, even after the agencies learned that women had died during routine abortions under Gosnell's care, the district attorney's statement said.
"What the (grand) jury found most troubling is that neither of those agencies took the time to investigate, to observe, to view, to go to the clinic itself since 1993," Williams said during the news conference."

If Philly is known for having a "soft" approach to investigating med malpractice claims this could possibly be a reason for such barbaric actions. Sending out a dangerous message like that is tantamount to creating a breeding ground for such heinous behaviour. Let's hope they get it under control. Quickly. I feel sorry for the genuine docs there...they will surely feel under the microscope to some extent now?

C xx
Serial killer. Originally Posted by SR Only
Seriously. It reads like something even the most adept horror writer couldn't come up with. It takes a really sick bastard to sever the spinal cords of babies..and lets' face it, they are babies because they are well past the foetus stage according to that article. How the fuck did he get so many people involved? Almost sounds like a cult. Does Philly uphold the death penalty?
I am also pro choice it is illegal to have abortion in austria after three months. That is the time when there is the nervous system not evolved enough for it to be called a living being. Sometimes in countries late term abortions are legal when various medical reasons occur under special circumstances that vary with. But cutting spinal cords? How bastardous must someone be? That is crazy. Really crazy.

I mean i don`t really understand that with the luxury of condoms or birth control people would need abortions anyway. Accidents and rape aside.