We might as well rename this planet to Pay 4 Play instead of Earth.
No matter where you go...College dorms, corporate environments, public restrooms, bars, clubs, churches, restaurants, family reunions for some, funerals, The White House, vacations on cruises, beach resorts, or European destinations..More and more girls want you to offer something material, cash, or to put a little something on their light bill. Tha Fuck!!! It's a new era and getting worse...and lord forbid if discussions progress and all you offer is $200 that's like a Super insult I guess. Lol I think it's quite generous myself.
To make matters worse a lot of these girls (not all but some) dont measure up to the service levels of your favorite UTR. I know my original ATF Latina Wife was the best ever and it's hard finding someone like that worthy of a higher level of generosity.
Welcome to the new age.