Can anybody help me please???

KittyLamour's Avatar
This has been the worst morning of my life. At 8am or thereabouts I was doing a load of laundry, left my clothes in the washer and went to go pay my room. I was robbed by 2 men and 1 woman of my purse and also my car. The purse had all the money I had to my name in it.
I am staying at the Candlewood Suites...They have graciously given me until 1pm to pay or leave. I can't do either. I have nowhere to go and no money to my name. My "friends" aren't taking my calls... I called everyone I knew and they won't even answer the phone now.
I am literally terrified and have no where to turn. I have no family anywhere near. I also evidently don't have any friends either. I'll be happy to trade svc for a days rent.
Can't stop crying....

BTW A police report was made and filed and the thieves are clear as a bell on surveillance video.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 04-15-2012, 12:19 PM
mercianna, I hope the treives get caught quickly! They are probably spending all your hard-earned cash, hope you can at least get your car back!!

Hope there a few guys that cam help you today! I'm out of state for a few months.
I don't know what part of town you are located at in relation to me, but you are welcome to come and spend the night here if you need to. How we can go about arranging transportation to my location, I don't know since I'm here on tour and did not rent a car this trip. But if you need a place to sleep, and can find a ride here, come on over.

Bless your heart babe, I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. I'll be happy to help if I can.
KittyLamour's Avatar
It all seems so surreal. I never saw it coming. I have my room paid through tonight so thank you...Tomorrow is a different story. I am just going to post an ad with these new pictures I took yesterday and hope I can get back on my feet. I pray they do find my car....I really like my little car...I am just sick because all my horse equipment was in brand new stubben bridle... brushes and grooming supplies. My vintage Louis Vuitton purse....
"My, how quickly the proud have fallen...."
Im really sorry that you had this happen to you . I'm glad that you were able to atleast get your room paid for this evening. Im also glad that you filed a police report. My car was stollen about a year ago and it was horriable.

Good Luck to you girly !
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thank you Kaci, and to all who offered encouragement & support... 200K, Sins... It means a lot to me.
I don't mean to feel unsympathetic but if you have enough money to have accumulated all this horse equipment and a vintage Louis Vuitton purse you might want to think about putting enough money away to pay for a hotel for a night in case of emergencies.
Red Tex's Avatar
I don't mean to feel unsympathetic but if you have enough money to have accumulated all this horse equipment and a vintage Louis Vuitton purse you might want to think about putting enough money away to pay for a hotel for a night in case of emergencies.
Just terrible news that someone ripped you off like that. Just terrible. I hope you get your stuff back so you can get back on your feet enough to earn money again.
Probably not the best time (or thread) for a lecture...ya think?
I hope all works out for you merci. Stay Safe!!!!
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thank you surfin''re so right...Just so you all who wanted to lecture me know btw, I am just coming off of a short ban for not thinking clearly and breaking a site rule. So I lost a huge chunk of income recently. This has been a very hard month for me and I am grateful that I've even kept my head above water. The purse was a gift...I can't afford vintage Louis' but I did enjoy carrying one. The accumulated horse equipt. ... I am a horse owner and the equipt was necessary gear in order to properly care for my horse and also my bridle and saddle. Please don't be so quick to judge and jump on each other's bandwagons without knowing the facts. You assumed I don't save money which in fact was not relevant to my recent circumstances. I had 2 visa debit cards and one master card debit card. FYI I had money saved on all three. MY PURSE WAS STOLEN...that would include all my money that was in it and also the bank cards...not the fault of being unable to save.

Thank you to the 2 sweethearts who came and helped me ... I think that I am going to make it.....what a terrifying day...glad it's over.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
There seems to be a whole lot that is not being said and I could shoot this story full of holes....Why would you carry a purse as you say will all of your money in it, when you could of put the money in your bra or a pocket and only had enough out to cover the expense for a room or had the debit card in a place where you could pull it out...

In order for them to steal your car this had to take a little while for you should of been hollering when they stole your purse, and others would of heard you, then they would have to go through it to find the car keys....If the car had an alarm they could of pressed this and it would of showed them where it was by the lights flashing such as keyless entry, it if did not then they would of had to of known just which car in was...

This did not happen in 60 seconds.

I may get a whole lot of flack, but I will at least will not Bulls*** about something to make money off of others.....There was a posting on here just the other day about not trusting anyone, and taking the story at face vaule... before giving money to someone take time to think the story through...

True all of us need help at times, and I will probally be the first to help someone out if they are helping themselves out first....When a women needs help will be there for her as long as she is honest about it.....
