Real News

Dow Jones on November 3, 2020

Dow on January 20, 2021

The stock market believes in the new president. Up almost 4,000 since he was elected. On day one he has hit a record for the Dow. More records to come.

  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2021, 02:42 PM
it will take biden and his co-conspirators time to destroy wall Street - rest assured - Lizzie is already on the job!
China - biden/s master - is directing the show now.
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2021, 02:58 PM
Dow Jones on November 3, 2020

Dow on January 20, 2021

The stock market believes in the new president. Up almost 4,000 since he was elected. On day one he has hit a record for the Dow. More records to come.

MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Au contraire. On November 3, the market was expecting a Biden victory and control of the Senate to pass to the Democrats. The election results were already mostly priced in.

Most of the move you cite occurred between November 3 and November 16. The biggest reason was the vaccines. Pfizer announced its vaccine was 90% effective on November 9. Good news from Moderna and Astra Zeneca came after that.

Also, by November 15, Senate sentiment had changed. People believed Republicans and McConnell would retain control. Take a look at the 90 day chart here, from, which shows the probability punters were giving to a Perdue win:

I could make a case that President Trump's Operation Warp Speed and support to Pfizer caused the jump, not a Biden victory. I'd be somewhat disingenuous though. Expectations for a stimulus, interest rates, future deficits, and irrational exuberance in SPAC's and tech stocks also played a role. Politics play a role in some of that, but trying to explain stock market performance based on who's president is a little like trying to explain stock market performance based on whether an AFC or NFC team won the Super Bowl.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I wish people would start to realize that the stock market is not the economy.
Dow Jones on November 3, 2020

Dow on January 20, 2021

The stock market believes in the new president. Up almost 4,000 since he was elected. On day one he has hit a record for the Dow. More records to come.

MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Hahahaha.....Ok , then in six months from now when Biden fucks something up you'll blame it on Trump, lol.
Lapdog's Avatar
I'll take six months. Trump fucked up within six minutes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump was fucked up to begin with. What was really shameful is that people knew how fucked up he was and still did his bidding.

We Made America Smart Again.

But every Trump supporter said “the stock market” and Trump kept referring to “the stock market”. Just being consistent. Does the reason it goes up matter when all people cared about when Trump said “the stock market”
Trumpy hasn't cared about "his" great stock market since November

After the Biden/Harris election blew it out of the park and made America smart again
rexdutchman's Avatar
Lets see FIRST DAY : At least 11,000 jobs lost Keystone xl / 15 hour min wage ( proven job killer) / more masks boom for ppe makers CHINA ( fed building even he didn't ) climate accord / that's just the start
Senility now enjoy the poverty to come is a understatement
Just Brilliant the galactic incompetence of the dark winter has started
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you apply for a cabinet post, RDM?

I'm sure the President could use your sage counsel.
Typical blackman dipshit logic ..... the dow-jones was at 18,589 on Trump's election and rose to almost 30,00 during his presidency ..... yet in the 2 and a half months since biden's election, the 4,000 point jump makes America great again ..... let's come back in 4 years, see where the dow-jones is then before regurgitating any more assinine comments .....
HedonistForever's Avatar
Or we could take a page out of the sycophants Obama playbook and say that the rise is merely a continuation of the successful Trump policies. Remember that? Remember when the Lefts favorite economist Paul Krugman said that the economy would crash as soon as Trump took over but when it soared, it was all a "continuation" of Obama policies.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or we could take a page out of the sycophants Obama playbook and say that the rise is merely a continuation of the successful Trump policies. Remember that? Remember when the Lefts favorite economist Paul Krugman said that the economy would crash as soon as Trump took over but when it soared, it was all a "continuation" of Obama policies. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yeah, except that would be a lie, wouldn't it?

"what a great love story between jill biden and joe biden," MSNBC host joy reid said. "it’s a wonderful story, and we haven’t had a love story in the white house in four years."

ABC news’ byron pitts called biden "papa-in-chief,"

MSNBC's Brian Williams said the country was "back and under new management."

reid said the "old America" had lost the 2020 election and hoped "new America" "wins the war."

"God bless Joe Biden. This is a truly deeply religious man with incredible compassion, and he's got a great partner in Kamala Harris," said reid

NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss said the country had a "happy ending" with Biden's victory.

"This is Joe Biden’s day, but actually it’s not Joe Biden’s day. It's the country's day" gushed CBS’ John Dickerson.

"a breath of fresh air" and "a man who gave Americans permission to feel good about who we are," while MSNBC’s Chuck Todd labeled him "the better angel president."

"I can finally feel myself beginning to unclench my jaw, drop my shoulders, and exhale," author Jill Filipovic wrote for an opinion piece published by CNN.

CNN's David Chalian set the tone for the liberal network Tuesday when he proclaimed the lights on the National Mall's reflecting pool were like "extensions of Joe Biden's arms embracing America."

Jake Tapper, who is billed as a straight news anchor despite regularly offering his liberal opinions, declared that President Trump was "disgraceful" as the 45th president prepared to board Marine One and head to Joint Base Andrews. Tapper’s colleague Wolf Blitzer even mocked the size of the crowd waiting for Trump as "pathetic," while Dana Bash claimed he "looked small."

After Trump spoke, Tapper called the address an "embarrassment," while Blitzer described the remarks as "repulsive."

When Biden was sworn in hours alter, CNN personalities had a much different reaction, with Blitzer calling the 46th president's remarks "an address like no other" and Tapper saluting the new president's "determination and passion".

everyone with access to social media tweeted, "Democracy has prevailed

sickening actually