Washington Examiner North Dakota Republicans blast Democrats for donating to man accused of vandalizing GOP senator's office

  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2021, 11:18 AM

A GoFundMe page, reported by the local Jamestown Sun, shows North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party Chairwoman Kylie Oversen, party official Ellie Shockley, and 2012 lieutenant gubernatorial contender Ellen Chaffee contributed donations to Thomas Alexander Starks, for whom a legal defense fund was opened after he was charged for allegedly using an ax to destroy the windows and intercom systems of Sen. John Hoeven's office on Dec. 21. The 30-year-old faces up to five years in prison if convicted of the Class C felony charge of criminal mischief.

A statement issued by the North Dakota Republican Party this month named Oversen, claiming that such donations were tantamount to endorsing politically charged crime.
“It is inexcusable that Chairwoman Overson [sic] would be personally involved in supporting a far-left extremist whose violent actions constitute an assault on our democracy," Chairman Rick Berg said on Jan. 6. "Video evidence leaves little in doubt about this attack, so it is unfathomable why ND Dem-NPL officials would lend their name and financial support to a man they refer to as ‘innocent.'"
Oversen released a statement defending her $100 contribution to the cause, arguing that Starks is entitled to a robust legal defense.
“I firmly believe that everyone, no matter their socioeconomic status, deserves a full and rigorous defense when accused of a crime," she said. "I plainly and resolutely condemn violence, including against elected officials and public property. My donation does not reflect my views on the incident.”
Shockley and Chaffee also contributed small amounts, donating $500 and $100, respectively.
Starks's preliminary hearing is set for Thursday. Representatives for the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party and Hoeven did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
The North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party is the North Dakota affiliate of the national Democratic Party, the result of a merger between the Nonpartisan League and the Democratic Party in North Dakota.

After all the DPST/CCP histrionics over teh nation's Capitol riot - ( perpetrators should be arrested , charged and have a fair trial before a jury of their peers - not likely in politically run DC) the DEMOCRATs are contributing to a leftists who vandalized a Senator's office.

The accused is entitled , under teh law, to a fair trial. Seems teh DEMOCRATs are hypocritical ( their usual modus operandi) about whether one is a 'white supremacist" - or a DPST 'defender of teh political ideology" - and are treated differently based on the accused's political views.

The DPST.CCP donors to the cause won't care - they will just hunker down in their Democrat offices and - wait for the AntiFa to come "bail them out" - and i hope they get a visit soon
They deserve it.

Typical DPST/CCP hypocrisy!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical oeb.

Not a hysterical alt-wright rag he won't quote.

and a link that doesn't work.

Great thread. Keep 'em coming!

BTW -- did they come for you yet?

rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ because the media is a bad sit com , no reporting ,Just Brilliant the galactic incompetence of the dark winter has started