Specials, Discounts, and Austin Rates in General

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-15-2017, 06:49 PM
A lady was complaining to me about how her business has been slow since the holidays. Trying to be helpful, I suggested that maybe should offer a special for new clients or a discount to her regulars to entice more business. She immediately shot back that she never offers specials or discounts because that’s what the BackPage bitches do and she’s better than them. I was taken aback by the animosity of her response and in my silence she continued that if any guy contacts her asking for a discount or a special rate that she immediately stops responding and adds him to her “do not see” list.

As a guy, I’m always looking for the best value for my hobby dollars. If a lady offers me a discount for repeat visits or runs a special rate, I’m more inclined to see her over someone else. But rate isn’t the only thing I base my hobby decision on. A lady with great TCB and outstanding bedroom skills that I find physically attractive and intellectually challenging can spur me to pay more than I normally would.

But if a lady’s reviews indicate TCB is hit-or-miss or if she provides inconsistent service or only does CBJ (for example) then I’m going to look at better/cheaper options. That’s why the traveling ladies (with the right body types) do very well in Austin since there is clearly demand at the right price points.

Some ladies in Austin provide outstanding quality service and can command premium prices for new clients and are as busy as they want to be because they only need a few new clients to supplement what they make from their stable of established regulars who see them at a discounted (grandfathered) rate. Other ladies provide lower quality service but offer specials and discounts to get guys who are “on the fence” to go see them, and perhaps earn some more regulars by doing so.

The rest of you ladies, however, get caught up in putting a fixed price on your goods and base that price on the rate those premium ladies advertise. Much like the lady who I was having the conversation with, they don’t see that by offering a small discount ($20-$30/hour) would drive more clients and produce more revenue.

Provider appointments are like airplane seats: if you don’t fill them, they stay empty. Airlines want butts in those seats, so they offer discounts and incentives to make that happen. So that $300 seat might end up only costing $280 or $250 or less at takeoff. Business savvy ladies should see the analogy and do the same thing to get dicks into their appointment slots, because if you don’t fill that slot, you earn $0.

If a guy truly wants to see a lady, $20 or $30 probably isn't going to deter him. That's just my opinion. I used to equate rate with some of my personal worth. It is hard to seperates ego from this very topical yet intimate business we are in. Lol. Pride does come before the fall! Backpage does not = desperation . $300 does not equal success or happiness.

At the end of the day, we must do what is best for us.

Happy hunting!
fun2come's Avatar
A Special from a Special Lady is always SPECIAL.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
I agree with ztonk. I am also looking for the best value for my hobby dollars. Some girls do offer rates that make me more likely to hobby MORE OFTEN. Over the years it has worked out just fine for me. I can understand how a girl could rightfully feel their time is worth $1000 per hour, for example. I mean, who wouldn't want to feel pride in their value?

But it's really not about ego. It's about getting in touch with good hobbyists and bringing more pleasure to this world. Maybe more pleasure can be shared by making things more affordable for more people.

Something to consider?
Please tell your misinformed friend that no, us Eccie bitches run specials too! Did I mention I'm on sale tomorrow??
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Some ladies choose to go with higher rates because they don't want to be too high volume.
Some may start with higher rates only to give discounts to favorite clients.
Some may choose a rate because they see other ladies with that rate.

TCB is very important. If the lady has proven herself to be reliable, then she may deserve or be able to command a higher rate. But if TCB is bad then guys may pass on seeing her, no matter what kind of special she gives.
Here's another perspective to ztonk's excellent beginning.......

TCB, TCB, TCB. It's the most important thing to me. I can't tell you how many times I've had shitty TCB and I won't go back. I don't care the price point....don't care the rave reviews......if you don't respect my time as much as I respect yours, I'm done (I've never NCNS and I've been doing this for years). The discount for the day might get me off the fence, but TCB will always trump everything else......to include price.

Here's what I mean by TCB....as definitions may vary. Make a date for a certain day and time and then the day arrives and crickets. Trying to schedule a date and in the middle crickets. Constant rescheduling....I get things happen, but 3 times in a row? The list goes on.....

TCB ladies....it's king for me. And fellows, if you make a date, respect the ladies time and show up! Call me old-fashioned, but it's simple respect for people.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Can someone provide a few RW examples of specific ladies in Austin Eccie that are too expensive based on their age, weight, TCB and activities? Who and why?
Nevermind.....takes the conversation away from the topic.
I think Z makes a good point. A good way to view this is to maybe utilize the SNATCH thread as discount thread to fill those empty times. Just my two cents.
Dev Null's Avatar
I'm looking for the best experience within a reasonable price range, with the understanding that what's a hobby for some is a business to others.

Many here in Austin have more disposable income than they have free time to spend it. So I don't usually bother with haggling. Good will can't ever be bought, but sometimes it can be rented.

I'm old enough to remember going to European boys towns in the 70's and paying $40 for the use of some very nice pussy. Sadly, the pussy was usually attached to a very unenthusiastic personality. Today that $40 would be worth about $220.

So when I can pay $250 to $300 to spend an hour with a lovely young lady who can imitate enthusiasm or maybe even express it genuinely, and it's not always easy to tell the difference - in addition to all the new perks, like DATY, BBBJ, TUHA, etc ad delirium - I just feel like I've died and gone to heaven.

So all you young bucks who want lower prices so you can play more frequently? Guess what, some of us have waited for decades. Now you can wait in line behind the older gentleman who knows better than to patronize an enterprising young lady.

These gals are often better educated than you are. So small wonder that your guesswork about her carefully studied market analytics will be met with an expression of thinly-veiled disgust.
TittiesNBeer's Avatar
Z you make some great points about the business skills needed to do well in the hobby. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in a positive manner. I hope they are well received.

For me the perfect trifecta is great TCB and great bedroom skills delivered with genuine enthusiasm, at a rate of $250 per hour, or less. My regular favorites all have these qualities in common. There may be terrific ladies out there with higher rates, but with half a dozen favorites who meet my criteria, I am never tempted by high priced providers unless they advertise a special that works for my budget.
Dev Null's Avatar
Please tell your misinformed friend that no, us Eccie bitches run specials too! Did I mention I'm on sale tomorrow?? Originally Posted by Eryn
Does that include bald guys with moustaches?
Here i was thinking I was bad for the hobby, because I always go for the best value. I know I few girls off BP that offer hh at odd hours of the night and I'm used to seeing them and they respond to me. Especially those im attracted too. I understand and have had bad experiences in the game all across this great land ours. But I'm not about hour long facades or bngs, however I feel I'm also the easiest client to see, be honest, discret, and fair and I'd likely be back to see you.
Dev Null's Avatar
Here i was thinking I was bad for the hobby, because I always go for the best value. I know I few girls off BP that offer hh at odd hours of the night and I'm used to seeing them and they respond to me. Especially those im attracted too. I understand and have had bad experiences in the game all across this great land ours. But I'm not about hour long facades or bngs, however I feel I'm also the easiest client to see, be honest, discret, and fair and I'd likely be back to see you. Originally Posted by BulleitBourbon
Why did you think you're bad for the hobby?

We choose our hobbies. The hobby that we choose serves us, or if it doesn't, we find a different hobby that does.

A hobby doesn't suffer because of bad hobbyists.

If you're a stamp collector who specializes in a certain type of stamp, and someone else comes along and corners the market on that type of stamp, then your circumstances have changed. That doesn't make you a bad hobbyist.

It's nobody's fault. It's just the way things worked out. You may blame it on someone else, but maybe it's just a sign that you're really not into stamp collecting that much, so much as a particular aspect of stamp collecting.

Maybe it's about the type of people that you met while seeking out that particular type of stamp. Or maybe about collecting stamps at a particular price point. Whatever, and now you all have nothing in common. That would totally suck.

But maybe you can find other interests with those people, or find other people with similar interests in different areas. Life is all about doors opening and closing at various times and very unpredictably.

We all try different things at different times. If we find something that works for us, we do it again. And then if it keeps working, we keep hitting it again and again.

ECCIE isn't the gold standard because it's ECCIE. It's the gold standard for those of us that it has worked for reliably because it's worked for us reliably.

If something else works for you better, do that instead. But I figure that you're here because you're finding this works more reliably.

If so, keep doing it. If BP works better for you, keep doing that. Don't dog yourself either way. Just do your thing, until it becomes clear that you need to do a different thing. Then do that.

It's not common sense. Sometimes it takes some serious thought. Give yourself time to give it the attention that it needs.

Or alternatively, you could rail against the universe because everything doesn't comply with your preferences. You will probably find that path limiting.