Linear or asymptotic?

Rossboss's Avatar
So a month back while in an Austin strip club I get a couple of dances from a hot blond spinner who insists on exchanging phone numbers for OTC activities. OK. I've had luck with that in the past but it's been a while.

She texts later and says 1200 clams. I tell her to fuck off.

The funny part: She texted again this week and says 600. Fuck off again.

So is this a linear function? If I wait a month will it be free? :-D
It's too early to tell until the next offer. If it is reduced by half each time, you would have to pay something no matter how many offers you waited for. It would get very cheap though.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
It's damn near the Salmon Run 1st of the month rent/bills due in a few days. See if she'll take a couple of bills then come back here and tell us if it's a go.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
If it is linear and she offers it for free next month, you would be a fool to take her up on it instead of waiting for 2 more months.
Whispers's Avatar
Stripper math is a close relative to Hooker Math.

Get her to define how much time you are getting for the price now so that when she gets to $300 you can make an educated decision.

I typically see a stripper willing to "give up" a couple of hours into a slow shift and take a sure $250 to $300 for the remaining time or in some cases just take the day off for the sure thing.

otherwise.... $250 to $300 usually means 4-6 hours.... sometimes as much as 8.

In comparison to the average ECCIE whore it's a damn good deal.

Bring your own covers.... Strippers seldom are prepared.
If you wait long enough, she might pay you.
Precious_b's Avatar
Rossboss's Avatar
She contacted me again and said she'd do 1 hr $500 if it was dinner only. I told her to FUCK OFF. where do all these dumb fucking bitches come from??

One of you dumbass idiots must've paid her enough at the club that she feels secure. ;-)
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
It's Zeno's fifth paradox.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Sounds ta meh laik it may wind up bein' an inverse Laffer curve.
Precious_b's Avatar
She contacted me again and said she'd do 1 hr $500 if it was dinner only. I told her to FUCK OFF. where do all these dumb fucking bitches come from??

One of you dumbass idiots must've paid her enough at the club that she feels secure. ;-) Originally Posted by Rossboss
Did you tell her if was a Cock Meat sandwich smorgasborgh?
chupataco's Avatar
It's a fibonacci series. It will never go to zero. It will hover or approach asymptomatically a base line number. The $1500 and $500 number is window dressing. The real number is a car note or rent or some other necessity. By the way, if she doesn't contact you anymore you can assume that some other dude went for her deal.
inspector farquar's Avatar
I remain hopeful this young lady will someday call you with a sensible number for you both. Please keep us apprised.