My apology!

KinkyKatrina's Avatar
hey guys of houston!
Im not one to be active on board, simply place ad and respond to emails. But lately ive been recieving some not so nice emails from you guys. So figure its fair for me to address a few things.
I visited houston for 2 days as ad said, stayed at hotel , left only for use of pool. No lie, i had over 90 request come through. I responded to everyone just about. Booked a few appts and they all turned out to be 'cancels" or "no shows" . 2 days 1 appt. Didnt want to announce this either but i have a client of almost a year very upset with me now over my choosing to not see anymore. Reason for that as well. His famous words " I will see to it NO one touches you again" . I later had a client come see me and he informed me he got a PM from someone he didnt know,(but i do) stating that he would meet him at an exxon and pay for a session with me to write a horrible review expressing I was insane. Needless, the client was satisfied, we laughed about it, the end. Now my cell rings constantly- found out i was posted live in porn hub and someone had created a profile on anthor escort site posting my number live which is why i ask that everyone txt me first, I wont answer unknown calls any longer without a text first. Long story short, im sure there were some sincere , legit, appts there in the 90 request but for the most part, they were faulty. Meaning someone actually took the time to create different emails, when asked for user name, no reply or they were newbies and just ran across my ad. My reason for posting houston was in hopes of meeting friends not a bad rep. As i was hoping to move back there soon. I also visited during a holiday, my last visit went smoothly. Met a few good gentlemen. I wont be posting in the houston area any longer as i feel my presences there is not welcome but i wanted to apologize to anyone who feels fell victim to my problems. I think if half new ALL ive been through with this one person over the past month, you would have more sympathy than dislike towards me,My reviews are pleasant. To the ones i met, your on my contact list. I will keep you posted on my drive throughs, normally once a week. If any others wish to meet, your appt will go as planned as long as you attach your user id in the subject line so i no your an actual client requesting verses a phony. I come through on thurs normally, not to see clients but can arrange one or two!
Thanks for your time reading this...
LeftySmith's Avatar
I don't know why you had so much trouble with your appointments, but I just lookd at your showcase and it sure as hell couldn't be because of the bod in thos pics...whew, feels like the temp went up 10 degrees when I looked at those...HOTT HOTT HOTT!!
Damn, sounds like you bagged yourself a complete douchebag. Sorry for your troubles, and I'm sorry I never got a chance to see you... But I think a move to Houston would be great! Its about time Austin coughed up some of their beauties.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
It is sad that one asshole can screw up a lot of things.

I have heard about guys who will get a bunch of their friends to make appointments with a traveling girl, then NS.NC - just so she doesn't make any money and stops coming to the city (Happened a LOT in Dallas)

Sorry this happened to you; I agree with Lefty - the pictures were HOT.

.....and Austin isn't that far away for a visit from us....
It is sad that one asshole can screw up a lot of things.
Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Yes, very sad, and unfortunately, very true. Happens quite often, actually.
tikkler33's Avatar
Plus, don't blame us Houston guys for what one apparent a**shole did to you. Check out the Houston boards and I'm sure you will see that such behavior is not normal around here.
Similar stories about cancellations and no show in every city. Come to Dallas, and you will prolly get a few cancellations, too. Not from me, though. I just peeked at your showcase, too... yowza!
CaptainQ's Avatar
Sucks that people do crap like that. Messes everyone up.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Katrina, just wish you were closer to West Texas. I would make sure you had a good time. Many of us out here would love to see you.
KinkyKatrina's Avatar
NO NO not holding all Houston Men responsible and i thank U guys for reading this! I was trying to make a clientel list and any members want to go on that list and are serious- esp to all the nice things you guys/gals have said ur all invited to the list and will notify U and anyone else that is interested. Thanks so Much
blowpop's Avatar
That stinks. Sadly, This Thing of Ours tends to attract more than its share of unethical people.

One thing that often works is to request that Eccie (or other hobby board) members contact you initially via PM, that way you can search for their handle and see if they're legitimate.
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 06-09-2010, 04:51 PM
That sucks girlfriend. People can be such jerks.
SeeyaSoon's Avatar
Sorry for your troubles, don't give up on us here in Houston!!!
cmspec's Avatar
The dude that you won't see because of your personal reason needs to get a freakin' life. I don't know what the hell makes some people tick. Don't let one bad apple ruin the whole bunch BUT don't take any bullshit from such idiots either. Sorry you had a bad experience.
jjflash's Avatar
NS/NC really sucks, believe me we know how you feel.