Happy Birthday to the "other" gator(42, my ass!)

TexasGator's Avatar
To quote gman: "This little thing that we share called the hobby sometimes allows you the opportunity to meet some good people when we check our egos at the door."

Truer words were never spoken and there are no finer examples than the two to whom I've said "Happy Birthday" the past couple of days.

gator 42 (I think it's high time you adjust that number upwards - significantly), you're one of the first I met in this crazy world of ours and you've epitomized the definition of friendship ever since. Thanks for everything - the hospitality on fight nights, the fine cuisine for Sunday football at
"TG's Sports Bar & George Foreman Grill," and so much more - I couldn't possibly attempt to list all.

Most of all, thank you for allowing me to introduce myself as you so often. It's been my saving grace.

Happy Birthday, gator
ratboy jam's Avatar
I thought 50 was being too kind??
His hip replacement is 50..
Happy Birthday..hopefully you can pull a full house on the flop..
Jenna Wild's Avatar
Happy Birthday!!!
TexRich's Avatar
happy birthday gator42
Happy birthday buddy
Thanks for the kind words.
I am heartened ,every year, in the knowledge that no matter how old I get.
My friend and brother Gator will always be older than me! LOL
Now lets party!
Happy Birthday buddy...now lets find some Hot Latinas
Happy Birthday to my fellow Coog!

(Eat 'em Up)
REALLY never liked you at all...
REALLY never liked you at all... Originally Posted by Wakeup
notanewbie's Avatar
lets not forget that Gator here led the calls for boobs for surcher if I remember correctly .

Nice guy AND old as dirt apparently.

Happy B-Day.

SofaKingFun's Avatar
Any friend of TG's is a...

...is a...

... never mind.

Hope you had a kick ass B-Day, G42 and that you did something completely irresponsible... and if ya' got something on ya' I hope that it washes off.

All the best,


Brooke Wilde's Avatar

Is that alligator smiling? He's the happiest looking gator I've ever seen!


Is that alligator smiling? He's the happiest looking gator I've ever seen!

Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
I'd be smiling too if that chick was fingering my tail like that!
DallasRain's Avatar
:wi nkiss:

have a great one!!